"Honestly the thing I loved the most and am most grateful for throughout all of this training is the connections I have made with other students! That right there has made it all worth it and really makes me feel more confident going forward and like I have a...
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Linette C. | The Root Cause Protocol helped me with my Lyme Disease symptoms
I have been on The Root Cause Protocol for 7 months. When I started to dig deeper into researching natural protocols for Lyme healing, I came across the Root Cause Protocol (via the Magnesium Advocacy Group on Facebook). It has been the best thing ever!!! My whole...
September M. | The Root Cause Protocol helped with my overall health
For every newbie reading, researching and reaching out. For everyone in the beginning stages of this process lifestyle. Today is the very first day in SIX years. I have felt that my body was not working against me. Six years of iron infusions, blood transfusions and...