Why I detest hormone-D supplementation.
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Iron Toxicity Post #70: The Iron-ic truth of osteoporosis
This post is about the ironic truth of osteoporosis and its origin.
Iron Toxicity Post #67: There is 5 TIMES MORE IRON in breast cancer cells than normal cells
There is 5 times more iron in breast cancer cells than normal cells. The research on the connection between iron-induced metabolic chaos and cancer is growing daily.
Iron Toxicity Post #65: There is NO such thing as ‘Iron Metabolism’. There is ONLY Copper<>Iron Metabolism
This iron post has nine articles that examine iron metabolism and homeostasis. But nowhere do they highlight that there is no such thing as ‘Iron Metabolism’. There is only Copper<>Iron Metabolism, and Iron is the dummy!
Iron Toxicity Post #38: Why Vitamin D and iron is not a good idea!
Vitamin D and excess unbound iron creates destructive hydroxyl radicals (OH*) in the body.