"I think everyone would benefit greatly from taking this class. Even if you don't understand all of the deep science, there is so much practical information. I struggled with many symptoms of mineral dysregulation including lupus/auto-immune issues. Because of the RCP...
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Extreme Health Radio | Ep 714 – Healing Neurological Disorders Like Parkinson’s, Alzheimers, Dementia & More By Regulating Copper & Iron | January 15, 2023
Extreme Health Radio | Healing Neurological Disorders Like Parkinson’s, Alzheimer’s, Dementia & More By Regulating Copper & Iron | January 15, 2023
Student Testimonial | Janet DiAntonio
"The RCP program has brought everything together for me - instead of dealing with downstream effects of mineral dysregulation, I can help people make changes that get to the bottom of their symptoms. Over the years I’ve learned some aspects of the protocol, but the...
Student Testimonial | Randi Schramko
"I have been active in the "alternative health" and "functional" medicine/nutritional space for a long time, both as a former patient and as a nutritionist, activist, and practitioner, yet I had never encountered an educational program that encompassed the...
Iron Toxicity Post #12: Find out what the TRUE source of most, if not all, chronic disease especially neurodegenerative conditions.
All neurodegenerative conditions are clear signs of metabolic dysfunction caused by mineral dysregulation, especially copper, iron and magnesium.