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Student Testimonial | Nicole Moneer

For 20+ years Nicole Moneer suffered from asthma, allergies, reoccurring sinus infections, IBS, chronic fatigue, adrenal dysfunction, acne, severe PMS, pre-cancerous cells, and ruptured ovarian cysts to name a few. In 2006 and on a plethora of medications, Nicole...

Student Testimonial | Annette Presley

Annette Presley is a Dietician of 30 years, Functional Nutritionist and RCP Institute graduate. She took the training to better inform her existing health practice. She has seen incredible results with her clients and has also been able to support her family and her...

Student Testimonial | Melinda Tairi

For many years Melinda Tairi suffered the effects of being exposed to toxins as a diesel mechanic. Her severe symptoms of fatigue, weakness, brain fog, depression and IBS made it hard to do her job and go about her daily life. Eventually she embarked down the natural...

Student Testimonial | Moneca Dunham

Tune into this interview with Moneca Dunham, one of our RCP Institute graduates. Moneca found the RCP while searching for a course to study Hair Tissue Mineral Analysis. Although she had been using natural health to heal both herself and her daughter for many years,...

Student Testimonial | Josh Truex

Take a listen as RCPC graduate Josh Truex shares his story of connecting with Morley and discovering the RCP. Josh has improved his own energy and shares what he has learnt with hundreds of others in his coaching community. You can find Josh at:

Student Testimonial | Emma Kidman

Tune into this interview with Emma Kidman, one of our RCP Institute graduates and tutors. After a diagnosis of anaemia and adenomyosis, Emma shares how she found the RCP helpful with her painful menstrual cycle and fatigue. She noticed improvements in her energy very...