Judy W. | The Root Cause Protocol helped improve my Heart Palpitations

Judy W. | The Root Cause Protocol helped improve my Heart Palpitations

I had horrible heart palpitations for years. I had an ablation, but the heart palpitations came back after a few years.

The Root Cause Protocol has helped me so much. I believe the Magnesium and Potassium are getting where they need to be.

I take 4 Magnesium’s, 4 Potassium’s, 2 Adrenal cocktails every day and 2 Taurine at bedtime.

I have not started blood donations yet, nor do I take the Rice Bran or Diatomaceous Earth.

The Root Cause Protocol helps my sleep and has made my life so much more bearable to have my heart beating correctly.

Steve S. W. | The Root Cause Protocol helped improve my wife’s blood pressure

Steve S. W. | The Root Cause Protocol helped improve my wife’s blood pressure

7 months into the RCP (Root Cause Protocol) my wife’s blood pressure was normalized to the point she was able to stop taking the herbal formula she previously relied on. I emailed the doctor who suggested the herbal formula that she no longer needed it, thanks to the Root Cause Protocol. The doctor replied that after two months off the formula her blood pressure would go back up. Well, it is now over 5 months later and her blood pressure this morning was 104/76. Here are her last seven readings…
  • 11/08 – 101/61
  • 11/05 – 121/68
  • 11/04 – 126/70
  • 11/03 – 110/86
  • 10/31 – 128/74
  • 10/30 – 130/62
  • 10/26 – 119/85
Judy W. | The Root Cause Protocol helped improve my Heart Palpitations

Valeri G. | The Root Cause Protocol helped with my Thyroid issues

Valeri G. – December 2017

I’ve always been a runner. My story begins with that statement because I am happy to say that I am back running. I almost lost who I was and my family to copper/iron dysregulation. In trying to discover what was happening to my health, I discovered copper/iron dysregulation, the role of stress and Morley Robbins.

My symptoms began in 2012. My son had his first of many seizures while away at college. My younger son was in the middle of Jr. High stressors and my dad was dealing with prostate cancer. I was a sponsored runner and my favourite distance was 26.2 miles. The stress that my family was under was indescribable. Looking back, I’m not sure how we survived. But, I kept on running.

My symptoms included weight gain, hair loss, depression, foggy thinking, loss of focus, insomnia, feelings of overwhelm, I even quit reading! But, I kept running.  In the years following. I could feel myself slowing down. My times reflected it. My legs felt li dead and as if they were each 100-pound weights.

I went to a functional medicine doctor, who prescribed a self-care plan that was overwhelming! 32 different pills to take each day. 3 prescriptions. Stop running. Every time I spoke to the clinic, they had me do a test and add a supplement. I tested urine for 24 hours to check my hormones. I tested blood. I did ozone therapy, exercise with oxygen therapy. I did splankna. I went to a spiritual counsellor. I fasted. I prayed. I did everything they asked me to do. I got worse.

I stopped all the recommendations from the functional medicine doctor and ordered my own labs to confirm Hashimoto’s Thyroiditis. I asked for an ultrasound of my thyroid. The radiologist confirmed that I had nodules. This was a very low point in my life. I was depressed. I was convinced I was slowly dying. This was the exact moment I discovered The Root Cause Protocol.

In July of 2016, I began a job with a 2-hour commute. I listened to podcasts in the car and that is where I first heard Morley. It was an episode of Thyroid Nation. Everything he said made sense. Copper/iron dysregulation is a cause of thyroid problems. I could not believe my ears. Could it really be that simple? I pulled the car over at 6:30 in the morning grabbed a napkin I had in my car and wrote down magnesium, cod liver oil and vitamin C – not citric acid.

On my lunch, I investigated Morley and his Magnesium Advocacy Group. I read every link to every study regarding thyroid health that was on his website. That evening I bought magnesium, cod liver oil and whole food vitamin C. 3 days later, I slept through the night for the first time in over 20 years. I thought it was the placebo effect. I listened to every podcast that featured Morley. I read more studies. I read every book recommended by Morley. I even tried to call a few of the researchers that were cited. I finally realized this was real. This was not a placebo effect. This was the truth. I called Morley and purchased HTMA consultations for myself and my sons. I was fortunate enough to be a student in his first Root Cause Protocol Consultant class. And I now see clients of my own.

I discovered the root cause of my thyroid dysfunction and realized that my sons were experiencing the same issue! Copper/iron dysregulation being expressed as seizures. Copper/iron dysregulation being expressed as anxiety. In my constant search for relief for all three of us, I discovered we all had the same issue, copper/iron dysregulation. It was also what took my mom expressing as bulbar onset ALS. This was the moment I realized I would not die at 62 of ALS, as she did. Now, I see low bioavailable copper and iron toxicity in many of my extended family members expressing as clinical depression, kidney stones, eczema, Raynaud’s Phenomena, and narcolepsy.

I’m paying it forward by helping others regain their own health as an RCP Consultant and Health Coach. My younger son is working full time, preparing for a future he now believes he will live to see. My son with seizures continues to have seizures and we are working on that daily. He continues to make improvements and we are seeing small successes. My dad is on the RCP as he keeps his cancer in check. I fully believe I would not be here without the Root Cause Protocol. Our family continues to deal with life stresses, but we can handle those stresses.

I encourage anyone experiencing any health problem to begin the RCP as best you can. Start slow, listen to the podcasts, read the posts on the FB page, and become familiar with the elements of the RCP. Even if all you can handle right now is the adrenal cocktail, begin there. The important thing is to begin!

Lactation Consultant
Health Coach
RCP Consultant

Dr. Ben Edwards | You’re the Cure | April 30, 2018

Dr. Ben Edwards | You’re the Cure | April 30, 2018

Morley Robbins returned to You’re the Cure to talk to Dr. Ben Edwards about the latest research he has uncovered and synthesized regarding Retinol. Retinol is a component of the Vitamin A complex and is a key player in regulation iron and copper. It also plays an essential role in neutralizing the damaging effects of sunlight on the skin. Without retinol, the oxidative stress and free radicals produced by sunlight can lead to skin cancer, but sufficient levels of retinol prevent that damage. We also discuss how oral vitamin D supplementation inhibits retinol production.

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Jill N.M. | The Root Cause Protocol helped me with post  cancer treatment symptoms

Jill N.M. | The Root Cause Protocol helped me with post cancer treatment symptoms

WOOT! WOOT! My Full Monty is showing improvement! Hallelujah! Except my, Mag RBC continues to go down. I am one year NED (no evidence of disease) from stage 4b endometrial cancer. I started monitoring my iron in April 2016 after major blood loss from the uterine bleeding. I did take a whole food plant-based iron supplement prior to that first draw because my ferritin got down to 5 and I was very weak, dizzy etc. I was *just* learning about iron from the Root Cause Protocol when I pulled that first iron panel. In about 6 months time my ferritin shot up to 83. I freaked and threw the supplement out. At that time I was about to start chemo and most all supplements are poo-pooed but I kept taking my Maggie. Long story short, I was chemo resistant and ended up on immunotherapy (Keytruda) which I reacted to severely. These immunotherapies supercharge your immune system to go in and kill cancer but they can also cause your immune system to attack healthy tissue and organs. My immune system attacked all my muscles. (Rhabdomyolysis) I had a very hard time walking, talking, eating. Lost my fine motor skills in my hands and 70% use of my arms. I looked like I had had a stroke. It was very scary. I lost 20 lbs in 2 weeks. I was put on a very high dose of prednisone (100mg) to suppress mine out of control immune system. Took three months to taper off. Took a full 6 months to recover 90%. This severe crash of my body totally sunk my Full Monty. My Full Monty from this past April was really distressing. I was able to start fully implementing the RCP in May. I drew just an iron panel in August to check my dismal numbers and they had dropped even lower. (Total 26, IBC 452, % saturation 6, ferritin 7) Hemoglobin 10.1 BUT I didn’t “feel” anemic, I actually felt pretty darn good! In the past month or so my hair started thinning, adding to my stress. I began telling myself maybe I really am anemic. I did stop chelating iron (was taking IP6 and DE) and just kept focusing on the rest of the protocol. Within the past 10 days or so I have had a surge of energy. My hair thinning has gotten less. I feel really, really good and I just got my Full Monty labs last night and my once scary numbers (everything below normal, except high IBC) are making a comeback. Everything but my mag RBC. It went from 4.3 to 4.2. I take 3 Jigsaw and 3 glycinates plus mag oil (not as frequently as I should) and occasional foot soaks. I need to increase those. I’m scared to take boron. My cancer was estrogen fed. I did take it for 2 weeks then my hair starting falling out. I do a muscle test positive for it. I may start back with half the amount, 3 days a week. Anyway, I’m just so excited that it looks like I’m climbing back out of this hole. My body went through hell one year ago. The Keytruda did its job though. Now I need to keep sticking with the RCP. Stick with it guys (and girls). I was getting really distressed over my lack of progress and now I’m seeing AND feeling it!