Freely Rooted by Kori Meloy & Fallon Lee | September 28, 2022

Freely Rooted by Kori Meloy & Fallon Lee | September 28, 2022

Morley discusses iron and copper, two minerals that are largely misunderstood. Join us as we explore how we can support our physiology through a greater understanding of these important minerals – including the impact of copper deprivation on the body and its connection to oxidative stress, the role of critical thinking in taking responsibility for our own health, and the factors in our modern world that have lead to pervasive iron overload. We also look at how our bodies actually store iron, why blood tests fall short in measuring iron, the flaw of iron supplementation in pregnancy, how copper and iron move from mother to baby during pregnancy – and so much more!

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Student Testimonial | Melinda Tairi

Student Testimonial | Melinda Tairi

For many years Melinda Tairi suffered the effects of being exposed to toxins as a diesel mechanic. Her severe symptoms of fatigue, weakness, brain fog, depression and IBS made it hard to do her job and go about her daily life. Eventually she embarked down the natural health route and was diagnosed with Epstein Barr virus, Lyme Disease, MTHFR, heavy metal poisoning, parasites and Candida.

She tried many supplements and dietary approaches, even taking herself off to India and South America to try different healing modalities. It wasn’t until she had a consult with Morley and began the RCP that she began to experience more energy and vitality. She has been able to return to work, recommence going to the gym and is generally feeling much happier within herself!

Mel’s thirst for knowledge lead her to the RCP Institute, where she has recently completed her studies to become a Root Cause Protocol Consultant and hopes to help others on their healing journey.

You can find Melinda at:

Student Testimonial | Moneca Dunham

Student Testimonial | Moneca Dunham

Tune into this interview with Moneca Dunham, one of our RCP Institute graduates. Moneca found the RCP while searching for a course to study Hair Tissue Mineral Analysis.

Although she had been using natural health to heal both herself and her daughter for many years, Moneca describes finding the RCP and learning about copper-iron dysregulation as being the missing foundational piece.

She describes her experience of the RCP Institute training and also her experience with Nambudripad’s Allergy Elimination Technique (NAET) and Biomagnetism, both of which compliment the RCP and have helped her family and clients find further symptom relief and healing. 

You can find Moneca at:

Dr. Ben Edwards; You’re the Cure | September 12, 2022

Dr. Ben Edwards; You’re the Cure | September 12, 2022

Morley discusses iron and red blood cells with Dr. Ben Edwards.

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The Robert Scott Bell Show | Cu-RE Your Fatigue – The Root Cause and How To Fix It On Your Own, Copper Iron Dysregulation | September 11, 2022

The Robert Scott Bell Show | Cu-RE Your Fatigue – The Root Cause and How To Fix It On Your Own, Copper Iron Dysregulation | September 11, 2022

Morley discusses how you can CuRE your fatigue on your own, using the Root Cause Protocol to address copper-iron dysregulation.

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