Mito-Life with Matt Blackburn | How Minerals Run the Show with Morley Robbins | September 3, 2021

Mito-Life with Matt Blackburn | How Minerals Run the Show with Morley Robbins | September 3, 2021

Morley speaks with Matt Blackburn about how Minerals, like enzymes, are a foundational part of human health. Without minerals, the spark plugs of life called enzymes cannot function. Due to acid rain, toxic fertilizer and tap water, our food supply is not what it used to be. As a result, nearly everyone on the globe has copper disfunction, iron overload and severe magnesium deficiency. In this interview Morley Robbins educates us about those elements and their role in our body.

We also talk about solutions such as blood donation, whole food vitamin C and beef liver. 

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Mito-Life with Matt Blackburn | Why Dark Haired People Need More Copper with Morley Robbins | August 16, 2021

Mito-Life with Matt Blackburn | Why Dark Haired People Need More Copper with Morley Robbins | August 16, 2021

Morley speaks with Matt Blackburn, further expanding on the power of copper, especially in its relation to melanin. He talks about why you want to ignore the enemies and ignite the energy, the importance of carbohydrates and further conversation about carbon dioxide.

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Dave B. | The Root Cause Protocol helped me overcome painful fasciitis

Dave B. | The Root Cause Protocol helped me overcome painful fasciitis

I found your website after a saliva test indicated my iron levels were in the toxic range.

I have been following your protocol to include the electrolytes and especially incorporating magnesium into my system for only a few months, and it has already made a tremendous difference.

Along with some other positive effects, like improved energy, the major improvement has been to my painful fasciitis. It’s about 90% improved already and I can walk again for the first time in years without severe pain.

I am very grateful.  Thank you.

I’d like to add that I have been on a Weston A. Price diet for years (including cod liver oil and good pasture raised organ meats such as liver), but not getting sufficient magnesium and probably potassium.

As a software engineer, I debug and correct computer errors routinely, which requires “going under the hood” to the root cause of the problem. So the name “root cause protocol” caught my attention.

Mineral and vitamin imbalances can have a cascading effect through the whole body, so it makes sense that we should focus there first.

You might not believe how many times I’ve heard “my computer won’t turn on” when it’s not not even plugged in.  They will say, “I didn’t even think of that” just assuming it was, of course.

Other times, a software glitch can be a simple fix even though it appears much larger.  Sometimes it’s more complicated and that requires more work.  This is how I approach health.

People can sometimes miss the obvious.  Where’s Captain Hindsight when we need him?  🙂

I have told several people about RCP.  I love how you lay out a working step-by-step plan for people to easily incorporate the necessary nutrients into their daily routines at your own pace.

I also like the “stops and starts”.

I appreciate that you suggest cod liver oil, which I highly recommend (I can tell you how I healed a tooth abscess, but that’s another story).

Thank you so much and I hope to keep learning more.

Dave B

Frankly Speaking with Dr Wade Anunson | What Does It Meant To Be Copper Deficient | July 6, 2021

Frankly Speaking with Dr Wade Anunson | What Does It Meant To Be Copper Deficient | July 6, 2021

Morley discusses the challenges of iron toxicity, energy production, and the challenges we all face with GMOs, processed foods and our ability to have healthy levels of Copper in our body. What does it mean to be copper deficient? What do you do about it? How do you know you may be copper deficient and what will your doctor do about it? 

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Frankly Speaking with Dr Wade Anunson | Why Is Everyone Vit D Deficient? | June 22, 2021

Frankly Speaking with Dr Wade Anunson | Why Is Everyone Vit D Deficient? | June 22, 2021

Vit. D acts as a hormone in the body. There are two forms specifically, that matter. What form is your doctor measuring in your lab work and why? Join Morley and Dr Wade as they discuss the patterns of imbalance that create deeper inflammatory issues and contribute to iron toxicity which actually undermines every healthful thing you do for yourself. Pay attention to the role Copper (Cu) plays in the metabolism of Iron and what other fat soluble vitamins compete with the Vit. D binding.

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