Iron Toxicity Post #25: Iron movement, not iron storage!

Iron Toxicity Post #25: Iron movement, not iron storage!

Why I obsess over ceruloplasmin (Cp)!

Harris, Z.L. et al. (1999). “Targeted gene disruption reveals an essential role for ceruloplasmin in cellular iron efflux.”

What this ironic drama is all about is:

“…Impairment in the rate of iron efflux from storage site” 

That means liver, spleen and bone marrow. The goal is iron movement (Cp level), and not iron storage (ferritin only level).

Please take the time to read the discussion slowly. Most of all, please rethink your iron status.

All is not as it seems.

My take, iron metabolism is all about active red cell recycling, and not about static iron storage.

My focus is entirely on iron mobilization, which is what Mother Nature intended. I truly doubt that folks are iron deficient, it is far more likely that they are dealing with iron dysregulation that is demonstrated in anaemic levels of Cp. 


  • One of the most elegant re-cycling programs on the planet is the re-use of the iron for new red blood cells (RBCs). These RBCs are intended to last 120 days.
  • Proper iron metabolism is all about movement of iron, not storage of iron. Ferritin only focused perspective is very common.
  • Ceruloplasmin (Cp) is the key catalyst to ensure iron mobilization. The early pioneers of iron research (Holmberg, Laurell, Frieden, Osaki, etc.) were all reverential about the importance of Cp to ensure proper Iron movement to prevent oxidative damage from stored iron. 
  • Too little Cp = too much-unbound iron that has the potential to create rust (as known as oxidative stress) which gums the gears of our metabolism and creates symptoms that get labeled and are treated with toxic Rx medications, none of which solve the underlying problem. Ironic?
  • Cp is key to successful neurotransmitter creation, proper activation of biogenic amines (especially vital amines we call vitamins), the regulation of histamines, keeping blood free of oxidants, and ensuring proper function of Complex IV in the mitochondria so that adenosine triphosphate (ATP) can be made, to name but 5 of the 300+ functions that Cp ensures in our body, each and every day.  

And as we age, it is the build-up of iron-induced oxidative stress; around the mitochondria; that lead to the lowered production of ATP, and thus Magnesium-ATP.

  • Iron affects the function of cytochrome c oxidase (Complex IV).
  • Iron affects the presence of magnesium in Complex V. 

A votre sante!


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Iron Toxicity Post #24: Diabetes is NOT a medical disease!

Iron Toxicity Post #24: Diabetes is NOT a medical disease!

This post is for those that think diabetes is a medical disease, please read this article slowly:

Simcox, J.A., McClain, D.A. (2013). Iron and Diabetes Risk

Nothing could be farther from the truth! This article even highlights the profound negative impact of excess, dietary iron overload. Though absent in this study is any mention of magnesium or Ceruloplasmin (Cp). No surprise there, however.

Just know:

  • Iron and magnesium are biological antagonists! Iron is pro-oxidant, and magnesium is anti-oxidant. That is profoundly important in cellular metabolic balance.
  • Cp is the master anti-oxidant that keeps iron from misbehaving. When Cp is 30-50% below optimal levels (30mg/dL); as I typically see with clients, it does impact iron’s ability to get stored, especially in the pancreas.

So I want to challenge you to rethink this condition and how it happened. What are you going to do to free yourself from this medical condition called diabetes and realize it is a state of mineral dysregulation.

All is not as it seems.

A votre sante!


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MAG-pie Alert!… #16 TOXICITY OF IRON: o There is NO such thing as "medical disease" o There is ONLY "metabolic dysfunction" CAUSED by "mineral dysregulation"

MAG-pie Alert!… #16 TOXICITY OF IRON: o There is NO such thing as "medical disease" o There is ONLY "metabolic dysfunction" CAUSED by "mineral dysregulation"

MAG-pie Alert!… #16 TOXICITY OF IRON
o There is NO such thing as “medical disease”
o There is ONLY “metabolic dysfunction” CAUSED by “mineral dysregulation”
o This is TIGGERED by our “moronic diet” of Iron-enriched & Iron-altering foods (HFCS & GMO) that are TOTALLY ignored by “M.ineral D.enialists whose soul purpose is to push “more drugs…”
Having said those truisms ^^^^, it is important to understand that cellular Mg deficiency PRECEDES the “Inflammatory Cascade.” (Weglicki & Phillips, Am Jrl Physiol, 1992) This begs the question: “What stressor(s) are ‘chasing’ Maggie out of the cell?” It turns out that IRON STRESS is THE culprit!
Inflammation is CAUSED by excess, unbound STORED Iron in the tissues…
So-called “Infections” exist because opportunistic Pathogens (bacteria, virus, fungus & parasites) are FEEDING OFF of Iron. They take advantage of a low-energy, low pH, AND low Oxygen Environments — ALL OF WHICH is brought to us by Iron!newletter 16
This Iron-ic CHAOS is made possible because doctors are poorly trained to understand mineral dynamics — WHICH, IN FACT, RULE THE BODY! — and are taught simple mathematics: if something looks “LOW” then “D”rown it! And the scale of the Iatrogenic illness that they CAUSE makes Mt. Everest look like a molehill.
Furthermore, the Iron in blood is NOT fully representative of the scope of Iron being STORED in the Tissues. That is why leading clinicians — the world over — are using Ferriscan MRIs to assess TRUE Iron Burden in:
o Livers (cirrhosis, cancer)
o Pancreas (diabetes)
o Joints (arthritis)
o Kidney (CKD, etc.)
o Brain (Neurodegenerative disorders)
Yes, ALL of that ^^^^ — AND MORE — is CAUSED by Iron-induced Oxidative Stress! Iron-ic, eh?!?…
So, the bodily response of “hide & go seek” that is alluded to is helpful, & to some extent accurate, but it’s ORIGIN lies SOLELY on the shoulders of our Iron OVERWHELMED bodies that have been assaulted for 70+ years — Globally — by exogenous sources of Iron in our myth-taken diets of TWO elements: 1) toxic Iron-laden food, supplements & Rx meds; & 2) medical ignorance & arrogance of human physiology. In a word, it is appalling what “they” have done & have been ALLOWED to do by “us” because we were lost in the Land of Oz, not knowing that THEY were a sham (Oz!), & we had the POWER all along (*click* our heels!) MAG is devoted to teaching you just that!
So, forgive all the blah, blah, blah, but this is important, they struck a cord & hopefully people are clearer now on at least how “MAG-neto Man!” sees this deplorable mineral mess that we find ourselves in & are seeking to correct…
A votre sante!

Iron Toxicity Post #23: Iron shavings in processed food!

Iron Toxicity Post #23: Iron shavings in processed food!

Ever wondered if processed food is creating oxidative stress (as known as rust) inside your body?

“Magnetic food: Metal Bits in YOUR Cereal! Yummy!”

Know that iron and magnesium are not friends inside your body.

This is but one food additive that we’ve all overlooked for 70+ years.

And now that we know this, and they know that we know this, it begs the obvious question: Where else are they hiding these toxins?


A votre sante!


For Facebook discussion:

Iron Toxicity Post #22: There is a difference between ‘Iron Deficiency and ‘Iron Dysregulation’!

Iron Toxicity Post #22: There is a difference between ‘Iron Deficiency and ‘Iron Dysregulation’!

The post is for all those who have received an anemia diagnosis from their healthcare practitioner. 

Please take note of this critical study:

Matak, P., et al. (2013). “Copper deficiency leads to anemia, duodenal hypoxia, upregulation of HIF-2a and altered expression of iron absorption genes in mice.”

Now, granted, this is not the easiest article to read, but it puts the spotlight on the truth.

Iron metabolism is ruled and regulated by copper status; not iron status and certainly not ferritin status!

As I’ve stated ad nauseum, there is a huge difference between “Iron deficiency” (very rare) and “Iron dysregulation” (very common). It’s time we all learn this fact about iron and copper metabolism. 

I would like to ask the following:

1. Please take a moment to review the abstract, the introduction and the conclusion.  This should rattle your cage about the profound relationship between copper <> iron. This is not a user-friendly article, but the pearls abound in this study.

2. Encourage your favorite practitioner to read this study from stem to stern.

3) Insist that you get the full Monty Iron Panel — that focuses on copper.  Learn the truth of your likely iron dysregulation issue.

4) Based on the above, I’d recommend you re-think your supplement and medication regime.

5) And finally, based on the results, you might want to pursue increasing your Cp (ceruloplasmin) with a vengeance.

Hope you all find this instructive, helpful & healthful.

A votre sante!

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