Vitamin A (retinol) and iron metabolism and dispelling the myth surround vitamin A being toxic.
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Bernadette K. | The Root Cause Protocol improved my energy levels and anxiety symptoms
Okay, so my 11-year-old son was diagnosed at 8 with a brain tumour. He had hydrocephalus which led to vision problems which led to a diagnosis. We were shocked. I had fed him a Weston Price/ancestral diet his whole life. I thought we were covered. But the food is not...
Iron Toxicity Post #73: Why I detest hormone-D supplementation.
Why I detest hormone-D supplementation.
Staci L.P. | The Root Cause Protocol increased and improved my energy levels, sleep and overall health.
Being on the Root Cause Protocol for just over 3 months has completely changed my life. I feel so good, sleep so well, have energy that I've not known since high school and am more focused, yet relaxed than ever in my life - I sometimes feel bionic. I will turn 46...
Kelli A. | The Root Cause Protocol helped me with my Depression and Anxiety
My first encounter with depression and anxiety happened at age 12. I didn't know what it was. It reoccurred sporadically throughout high school and college. It came back with a vengeance in the postpartum period after each child. I knew depression and anxiety were a...
Judene Benoit | The Root Cause Protocol supported me in my pregnancy
Dr Benoit reports on her ability to have a successful pregnancy - August 2018