Dr. Ben Edwards; You’re the Cure | March 4, 2019

Dr. Ben Edwards; You’re the Cure | March 4, 2019

Today Morley talks with Dr. Ben about osteoporosis and how taking calcium isn’t the answer. They explain how calcium is leached out of the bone but it is still present in the body and just needs to be escorted back into the bone. Calcium supplementation can lead to further inflammation in the body which is the root cause of osteoporosis.  Magnesium is the anti-inflammatory mineral, so it helps to not only combat inflammation but also helps the body put minerals back into the bone and build new, healthy bone.

They also discuss how enzymes build key components of our body, including bone. Out bodies need minerals like magnesium and copper, and certain vitamins like retinol to fully function.

Dr. Ben and Morley explain why donating blood is important, what it does in the body, and how often to do it. 

They discuss how modern foods, full of corn syrup and wheat flours spike blood sugars and increase iron toxicity in our body.

Finally, Morley speaks to how taking zinc causes copper to be bound up and isn’t excreted from the body. It isn’t your best form of defense for Alzheimer’s and can actually perpetuate the problem.

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Seattle, San Jose, & Pasadena RCP World Tour events…

Seattle, San Jose, & Pasadena RCP World Tour events…

Early-bird discount extended until Tuesday March 5th… 

Save 30% on tickets to Seattle, San Jose, & Pasadena RCP World Tour events!  Details below…

Would you like to attend an RCP World Tour event and meet Morley Robbins in person?

Morley is the creator of the Root Cause Protocol (RCP), and he’ll be diving deep into various aspects of his research on Copper, Iron, and Magnesium at the following events.

By attending, you’ll gain a better understanding of:

  • WHAT the RCP is,
  • WHY the RCP works,
  • and HOW to implement the RCP for you and your loved ones.

Seattle, Washington, USA

San Jose, California, USA

Pasadena, California, USA

* Because of the varying dietary restrictions among the audience, meals will not be provided at these events. Please eat before your arrive, and/or bring healthy snacks for yourself.


  • When & Where: March 22 – 25, 2019 in Brisbane; March 29 – 31, 2019 in Hastings Point, NSW
  • Details: The Australian events are being hosted by Kristan Kershaw.  For more details and to purchase tickets, please visit this website…

Here’s a video sneak preview of Morley & Kristan talking more about what will be discussed at these RCP World Tour Events.  See you soon!

Get Help using the RCP Consultant Directory

Get Help using the RCP Consultant Directory

We’re pleased to announce a new feature of this website: the RCP Consultant Directory.

This new directory replaces the “Book an RCP Consult” feature we previously offered. The new RCP Consultant Directory is a great way to let you choose your own RCPC, and contract with them directly via their website or by otherwise contacting them directly.

PS – You can also work directly with Morley Robbins, creator of the RCP.

Seattle, San Jose, & Pasadena RCP World Tour events…

Seattle, San Jose, Pasadena, & Australia – Upcoming RCP World Tour Events

Would you like to attend an RCP World Tour event and meet Morley Robbins in person?

Morley is the creator of the Root Cause Protocol (RCP), and he’ll be diving deep into various aspects of his research on Copper, Iron, and Magnesium at the following events.

By attending, you’ll gain a better understanding of:

  • WHAT the RCP is,
  • WHY the RCP works,
  • and HOW to implement the RCP for you and your loved ones.

Seattle, Washington, USA

San Jose, California, USA

Pasadena, California, USA

* Because of the varying dietary restrictions among the audience, meals will not be provided at these events. Please eat before your arrive, and/or bring healthy snacks for yourself.


  • When & Where: March 22 – 25, 2019 in Brisbane; March 29 – 31, 2019 in Hastings Point, NSW
  • Details: The Australian events are being hosted by Kristan Kershaw.  

Here’s a video sneak preview of Morley & Kristan talking more about what will be discussed at these RCP World Tour Events.  See you soon!

Therese M. | The Root Cause Protocol helped improve my energy levels and stamina

Therese M. | The Root Cause Protocol helped improve my energy levels and stamina

On the RCP for 2 months and energy and stamina are much better!

Yes, it’s been 2 months. I’ve had Lyme Disease with many Rickettsias for 21 years and 2 years ago I became super unwell from trying to work nearly full time and following the Body Ecology Diet, the cultured veggies were making me very ill and in the end, caused a thyroid problem for me and other spiralling problems. I think I was lacking in Omega-3s with that diet and also not adding minerals to my filtered water.

A neuronutrient therapist friend alerted me to the RCP a couple of months ago. I showed the protocol to my Lyme GP/Functional GP and she was fine for me to go ahead she just told me to stay on low dose zinc and to add Vitamin K2 (as I have osteoporosis) I also take Amino Acids (as people with Lyme and related bacteria are in permanent catabolism trying to use Protein to make Amino’s to make cytokines and interleukins to fight the bacteria) and I take other things for my leaky gut and thyroid and folinic acid and B12 and B2 as I have MTHFR and other poor methylation genes.

I started Phase 2 of the RCP about a week ago and just this past week I’ve really noticed I’m feeling better in energy levels and stamina. This is all amazing as I’ve only been doing the Root Cause Protocol for 2 months!

I’m very very grateful to Morley (and the RCP community) for offering the RCP Instruction Manual for free — it’s marvellous and I know it’s helping me.