Ramesh B.Dr. | The Root Cause Protocol helped provide valuable information I can use for my patients

Ramesh B.Dr. | The Root Cause Protocol helped provide valuable information I can use for my patients

As an intensive care physician and anesthesiologist in India, I come across many patients with iron “deficiency” and Vitamin D “deficiency”… The information presented here is so valuable and so informative, things never taught in any of my medical textbooks… Thanks, Morley Robbins, the Root Cause Protocol and MAG group members… I feel now I am on the right path.
Susan C. | The Root Cause Protocol helped improve my general health and metabolic issues

Susan C. | The Root Cause Protocol helped improve my general health and metabolic issues

It’s testimony time! I’ve had metabolic issues for most of my life: Gut issues established by age 20, Perimenopause in the early ’30s, hit hard with fibromyalgia at 40, cancer at 50, and now at 60………let’s see: more energy, better sleep, happier gut, and a brain that’s sharp and free of fog? Feeling pretty darn good, thanks to Morley Robbins and the Root Cause Protocol. For 20 years I’ve tried one “health” program after another, including the Guaifenesin protocol, elimination diets, and most recently the low-oxalate diet, the only one to make a difference and give me a glimmer of hope. Yet each program was limited in focus, and none offered the path to complete metabolic health that I was seeking. Then came the RCP. Progress has been slow and for 2 long years, my mineral markers refused to budge. It was hard not to lose faith, but l was determined to find out if reducing my iron overload would help. My body gets easily overwhelmed by supplements, so decided to forego the iron-binding and get rid of some blood. I struggle to keep my weight above 100 lb. so traditional blood donation was not an option Fortunately my sister, a nurse practitioner, graciously offered to take ½ pint every 3 months, even though she holds to the medical model. After each of the first two draws, I suffered through 8-10 weeks of dumping/rebalancing which caused strong system-wide flares. But since the third draw, I have felt pretty great, with only brief, mild flares. Every system has improved, and my body and brain feel calm yet energized. After so many years of malfunctioning, it feels like my body is working the way it is supposed to. Moving iron out was the key for me and I feel so blessed to finally be on the path to recovery. I thank God every day for Morley Robbins, his insatiable quest for the keys to restoring health using the body’s own natural processes, and his willingness to put in the time and energy required to accomplish this very important work. Wake up, world, and take note!
V.S.F. | The Root Cause Protocol helped with long term Athlete’s Foot

V.S.F. | The Root Cause Protocol helped with long term Athlete’s Foot

I had athlete’s foot since age 12 so acutely, my little sister wouldn’t sleep in the same hotel room with me. My feet also stink horribly, didn’t matter how much I wash them or I treated them. What over-the-counter and prescription drug I used. It was useless. I really tried everything! Fast forward several decades, I come to find out that foot fungus and athlete’s foot and all these things are related to severe iron toxicity in the organs. I learned that in this group. After going on The Root Cause Protocol, including a borax foot soaks and stopping all the iron supplementation that was killing me all my foot fungus and other fungus left me and never to return. Moral of the story: It is all fungus foot, fungus athlete’s foot, etcetera the root cause of its existence, is in a high iron toxic body. So go on The Root Cause Protocol and follow it. It takes care of all diseases all fungus everything! Kids can also do this protocol easily as well.
V.S.F. | The Root Cause Protocol helped with long term Athlete’s Foot

Marta T. | The Root Cause Protocol helped me cease my thyroid meds

Marta T. (March 22, 2018)

I am Hypothyroid and have Hashimoto’s.

With the AIP diet and the RCP recommended, I have come off of my thyroid meds. If you haven’t yet watched the video and read the pinned posts to learn what The Root Cause Protocol is all about, it is important to start at the beginning.

RCP was the game-changer for me.

The adrenal cocktail was extremely important in helping to balance minerals, which helps with adrenal fatigue.

I truly believe that most people that are showing thyroid issues are really just in adrenal fatigue due to mineral dysregulation.

The Root Cause Protocol isn’t about taking supplements, but about using whole food to return mineral balance so the body can heal itself.

In my opinion, the RCP is the best thing that happened to me.

V.S.F. | The Root Cause Protocol helped with long term Athlete’s Foot

KimMarie R. | The Root Cause Protocol helped me cease the medication I was on

KimMarie R. (March 22, 2018)

I can show you 30 years worth of medical testing from top institutions on 2 coasts, seriously I had to wheel my medical records … drs could not figure out what was wrong with me I was given labels as long as my arm & a tray full of toxic drugs ..

I cherish my htma!!! I no longer need dozens of toxic drugs I feel amazing living an upright world. It’s ok let them believe what they want that’s a good thing than they won’t come after the companies that do them or the interpreters !

BTW if hair testing is bogus why do Fortune 500 company’s make there employees get drug tested via hair not urine?