Iron Toxicity Post #8: Why Morley has ‘lost it’ and is obsessing over iron and the proper management of iron.
“When iron accumulates, chelatable iron replaces magnesium at the corresponding metal-binding site, promoting selective damage to these proteins.”
How 3,571 proteins require magnesium to work and how iron impacts on this during our lifetime.
Iron Toxicity Post #7: All manner of pathogens – fungal, viral, mycotoxin etc., MUST have iron to flourish and grow!
“All manner of pathogens – fungal, viral, mycotoxin, bacterial must have iron to flourish and grow”
Iron Toxicity Post #6: Magnesium deficiency and abnormal iron metabolism
There is abnormal iron metabolism in rats that are magnesium deficient especially if iron is overloaded in tissues and not blood.
Iron Toxicity Post #5: A deficiency of Ceruloplasmin (Cp) is one of the earliest manifestations of Copper deficiency
A deficiency of Ceruloplasmin (Cp) is one of the earliest manifestations of Copper deficiency.
Iron Toxicity Post #4: It’s the bookends of iron that will kill your metabolism
Read about the linking between iron overload, lack of ceruloplasmin, cancer and the bookends of iron (both low functional iron and iron overload).
Iron Toxicity Post #3: The underlying pathogenic event in oxidative stress is cellular iron mismanagement
The underlying pathogenic event in oxidative stress is cellular iron mismanagement and how is iron is managed inside our cells and bodies.
Iron Toxicity Post #2: Things that go ‘bump’ in the night
Morley talks about Iron, Food Enrichment and the theory of everything article, plus studies about SOD and other antioxidants that are associated with the rusting process. In addition to, the connection about menopause and how diseases follow iron dysregulation.
Iron Toxicity Post #1: Menstruation does not automatically mean Iron Deficiency Anemia!
Morley discusses Kate Clancy’s blog/article on the myth that “women who have menstruation will develop iron deficient anemia”.
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