FAQ – Ascorbic Acid, Citrates and Zinc

…“Whole food vitamin C” For more about melanin, see Iron Toxicity Post #61: EYE-Ironic origin of Alzheimer’s disease: There is also more discussion about this topic in the RCP Premium…

MAG-pie Alert!… #10 TOXICITY OF IRON: please ask your doctor, and yourself, WHY they are using Ferritin — that expresses NORMAL in Iron Overload conditions — a storage protein to assess metabolic "Iron status?

MAG-pie Alert!… #10 TOXICITY OF IRON Please read the LAST sentence of this Abstract SLOOOOOOWLY: http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/870791 Then, please ask your doctor, and yourself, WHY they are using Ferritin — that…

Practitioner Resources

Toxicity Post #42} Ceruloplasmin is a master antioxidant {Iron Toxicity Post #11} The myths around pregnancy and iron supplements {Iron Toxicity Post #81} The relationship between candida and iron {Iron