Webinar Replay – Vitamin E and the RCP

toxicity’ are Vitamin E deficient and why Vitamin E is one of the preeminent antioxidants in our diet. You’ll learn what a chain breaking antioxidant means and the pivotal role…

A Magnesium Primer – Part 5

…other diagnostic tests include: It can detect toxicity long after exposure. Thirty to 40 days following an acute exposure, for example, elevated blood levels of lead may be undetectable. This…

Webinar Replay

…testosterone and Vitamin-D and it’s special relationship with iron. We’ll discuss how it boosts magnesium absorption and raises levels of antioxidant enzymes. We hope you’ll join us for this discussion…

Free Webinar – Cod Liver Oil

…more important than vitamin D? This is because CLO enables copper to become bio-available (usable, or functional in our body). Bio-available copper, in turn makes iron functional. There are many…

Fatigue and the RCP – Webinar Replay

…like you where fatigue impacts your everyday life. Together we’ll be exploring the following fatigue-related topics: Exhausted parents Burnout Iron and fatigue Cure your fatigue Fight-flight mode Fatigue and medical…