Strong.Sistas | Morley’s Mentality On Illness, Copper Deficiency, Mold Toxicity, & Iron Overload [The Root Cause] | January 15, 2021
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Dr. Ben Edwards; You’re the Cure | August 5, 2019
Dr. Ben Edwards – You’re The Cure | August 5, 2019
Dr Ben Edwards – You’re The Cure | Nov 5, 2018
Dr Ben Edwards | You’re The Cure | Nov 5, 2018
Iron Toxicity Post #59: A Tale of two irons and the hepcidin peptide that regulates them
This post is based on a tale of two irons, hepcidin peptide that regulates them and causes chaos, confusion, clinical conditions and clinical currency.
Iron Toxicity Post #43: The ‘gestation and birth’ of iron toxicity
Morley discuss iron levels, hemodilution and pregnancy
Iron Toxicity Post #41: Anemia of Inflammation and how it relates to anemia
In my ever-continuing efforts to get folks from the entire world over to restore and protect their magnesium (Mg) status, I’ve taken a most unexpected and extended journey into and through the wacky, Byzantine of the most revealing world of iron research. Fortunately,...
Iron Toxicity Post #39: excess unbound iron is very bad! Get properly tested.
Low hemoglobin, ferritin, serum iron and saturation are all indications of iron dysregulation caused by low bioavailable copper which is expressed as low ceruloplasmin.
Iron Toxicity Post #5: A deficiency of Ceruloplasmin (Cp) is one of the earliest manifestations of Copper deficiency
A deficiency of Ceruloplasmin (Cp) is one of the earliest manifestations of Copper deficiency.