Update on April 29th
The deadline has been extended from May 1st to May 4th to give those who heard Morley on Anna Sparre’s podcast over the weekend a chance to join the premium RCP community and get access to the RCP 101 Video Series as a free bonus. Details below…
Important Announcement
As of May 1, 2019 May 4, 2019 the RCP 101 Video Series will no longer be included with the premium RCP Community membership.
- If you are currently a community member, NOTHING IS CHANGING FOR YOU — you will CONTINUE to have access to the RCP 101 Video Series after May 1st. This is a “thank you” from us to you for your early support of this movement. We are extremely grateful for all of you who helped get this RCP “rocketship” off the ground.
- If you purchased access to the RCP 101 Video Series prior to November 2018 — when this program was hosted on a different web platform — nothing is changing for you either. Thank you for your early support as well!
- If you are a RCP Consultant with access to all of the various RCPC features of this website, nothing will change for you either.
- If you join the community within the next week — before May 1st May 4th — you too will have access to the RCP 101 Video Series as a FREE bonus for becoming a community member.
So, if you’ve been sitting on the fence, please consider joining this movement before May 1st May 4th so that you can take advantage of this special offer, before it goes away.
And with our 30-day money-back-guarantee, you have nothing to lose. Click here to join the premium RCP community today…
Premium RCP Community Membership Benefits
- Connect with hundreds of others who are following the RCP (including scores of RCP Consultants), and discuss topics such as:
- Postpartum Depression and Anxiety
- Is Vitamin A extract ok?
- RCP for autism
- Supplements and Osteoporosis
- Lifelong vegetarian and retinol rebuilding with CLO/liver
- And many, many more…
- Exclusive access to new research & writings from Morley Robbins (creator of the RCP), including these recent posts:
- Exclusive access to live Q&A events (1-2x per month) with Morley & Kristan Kershaw, RCPC Development Manager.
And if you join before May 1st May 4th, you’ll still get FREE access to the RCP 101 Video Series — a $99 value!! Join the premium RCP community now…
What is the RCP 101 Video Series?
If you are curious to learn the “WHY” behind each of the steps in the Root Cause Protocol, this video series is for you!
In the RCP 101 Video Series, Morley Robbins and Dr. Ben Edwards discuss nearly four dozen peer-reviewed scientific articles (out of thousands), and the implications on oxidative stress and cellular mineral imbalance.
In this video series, you will literally learn the RESEARCH behind WHY you should STOP Vitamin D3 Supplements, WHY you should STOP Calcium Supplements, why you should STOP Iron Supplements, etc.
And, you’ll also learn the RESEARCH behind WHY you should START Magnesium Supplements, Wholefood Vitamin C, Cod Liver Oil, etc.
In this 5+ hour video series, you’ll learn what’s REALLY going on at the cellular level, and how you can repair the imbalance by following the STOPS and STARTS of the Root Cause Protocol.
Here’s just a small taste of what you’ll discover:
- The #1 mistake people make when getting started, and how you can avoid it…
- The most common misconception about taking a one-a-day multivitamin. (Do NOT take another drugstore vitamin until you watch this!)
- The “big lie” of Vitamin D supplements… and why you should avoid them like the plague!
- The “big lie” of Iron supplements… and why “anemia” is actually a made up disease!
- And the “big lie” of Calcium supplements… and why they are causing your bones to actually be weaker!
- The natural way to ease tension and get more restful sleep…
- The natural way to increase energy and mental focus…
- The natural way to improve thyroid function…
- And yes, so much more…
As an added bonus, we recently updated the RCP 101 video series to include an new, one-hour conversation “What’s REALLY going on with Oxidative Stress” between Morley & Thomas DeLauer, the internet’s most popular Keto expert.
Get access to ALL of this when you join the premium RCP community before May 1st May 4th…
After May 1st May 4th, the videos and community will be sold separately.
It takes less than a minute to sign up, so join the premium RCP community now…
Thanks for joining this movement!
Team RCP