RCP World Tour in Detroit, October 2018

RCP World Tour in Detroit, October 2018


The Detroit event was a great success!!  Thank you to all who attended.

PS – Signing up to Download the RCP Instruction Manual is an easy way to ensure that you’re on the mailing list for when we announce new RCP World Tour events!  🙂


You’ve read Morley’s work on Facebook, seen him on YouTube, and listened to him on Podcasts. Now, meet him in person as Morley Robbins presents The Root Cause Protocol live in Detroit!

Plus, get a chance to purchase your favorite RCP products in the RCP Marketplace… AND, a Hallowe’en RCP Costume Party on October 25th!


Thursday October 25 through Sunday October 28


Comfort Inn at 3600 Enterprise Drive, Allen Park, Michigan, USA

To make reservations, please contact Comfort Inn and use code “RCP Health Group” to get a special discounted rate of $119 per night. The Comfort Inn is only about 15 minute drive from the Detroit airport (DTW); or about $15 by Uber or Lyft.


The exciting, dynamic, new paradigm of health. Learn how to reverse the years of pain and chronic health issues that keep you from being your most vibrant YOU!
The secret is that minerals run the body and getting them back in balance by dealing with Copper <> Iron dysregulation.

Morley unlocks MTHR NATURE’s secrets based on nearly a decade of hard core research in the scientific literature. Thousands of lives have been transformed by this wholefood-based Root Cause Protocol.

Options for Attending

Option 1a) On October 25, 26, and 27, Morley will begin RCP Consultant Training. You’ll learn the skills needed to help coach others to improve their health with the RCP. You’ll begin the training live in Detroit, then continue with your training through online video sessions presented by Morley over the next 8 weeks. This leads to certification as a Root Cause Protocol Consultant. The cost is $2,500 per student, limit 25.

RCPC training is normally 16 weeks of online sessions. So this is a very special chance to begin your training in person with Morley, and cram half of the class into a weekend. Registrants are encouraged to also attend The RCP Basics on October 28.

Option 1b) During RCP Consultant Training (Oct 25 – 27), existing RCPCs are encouraged to attend to “Refresh & Recharge” their knowledge and skills. Cost is $150, limit 20.

Option 2) On Sunday October 28, the 3 hours “The RCP Basics” seminar will be presented by Morley Robbins for a cost of $65. (Limit 100 attendees.)


Option 3) Book a personal, in-person RCP consult with a certified RCP Consultant. Sessions last approximately 60 – 75 minutes. Your symptoms, the “Full Monty” iron panel of blood tests, plus the HTMA will be evaluated to present your mineral balance story with guidance and fine-tuneing of the Root Cause Protocol for your profile. Cost is $300, and includes the HTMA kit, which must be sent to the processing lab in ample time for its availability before the consult. You will provide the blood test results separately. (Limit 10, must order by October 3rd.)

Option 4) Healing session with Dr. Liz Erkenswick where clients can choose between “Energy Balancing” or “Bio-Magnetism”; 45 minute session for $75 (Limit 12).

The Root Cause Protocol Marketplace

Yes! Attendees will be able to purchase some of the suggested supplements used by those following RCP. Items like Rosita’s Cod Liver Oil, Organic 3 Magnesium Supplements, Jigsaw’s Magnesium selections, Ancient Lakes Kakadu Adrenal Tonic, and more…

1st Annual Hallowe’en RCP Costume Party!

Who says we can’t have fun? Getting life back on track is cause for celebration! So bring your RCP inspired Hallowe’en Costume on Sunday October 28 and the favorite
costumes will win prizes.

Complete Your Registration

After you’ve chosen the options for attending above, click this button to complete your registration. Space is limited, so please register soon.


Morley Robbins | My Theory of Everything (Video)

Morley Robbins | My Theory of Everything (Video)


The following video was filmed in November 2016. At the time, I called it “My Theory Of Everything” because I hadn’t yet come up with the name “Root Cause Protocol.”

In the video, I explain how when Magnesium & Calcium are out of balance, and Copper & Iron are out of balance, it creates a “Ferrous Wheel” of destruction (aka. “inflammation”) inside of the body.

But take hope — these minerals can be rebalanced. Thousands of people around the world with dozens of different health conditions have improved their symptoms (either partially or totally) by following the STOPS & STARTS of the Root Cause Protocol.

The following video is now a few years old, but I’m proud to say that this “theory” has held the test of time, I believe it will continue to do so.

A vôtre santé​,
Morley Robbins
October 11, 2018

Video Transcript

I’m very grateful for the support that I’ve gotten especially from the folks at Jigsaw Health. They’ve been an amazing resource. They make great products, and I take their Jigsaw Magnesium every day. In fact, I tease people, but there are only three absolutes that you have in life. You got to have air. You got to have water, and you got to have magnesium. You wouldn’t go a day without air, would you? You wouldn’t go a day without water. Trust me, living where we live with all the stress that we have on this planet, you don’t want to go a day without magnesium. That’s a particularly good form that I’ve had a lot of benefit from, and a lot of the clients I work with around the world have as well.

We wanted to do a video to introduce people to the Facebook group. We’re now at a point where we’re coming on with 70,000 people all over the globe. I’ve forgotten the count now of how many countries have representation, but we have our fingerprint in a lot of places, places I’ve never even heard of. We’re adding about 1,000 people a week, and it’s growing at a point where we just need to give people an orientation about what we stand for at the Magnesium Advocacy Group, where I’m coming from, what I’ve learned along the way, and just give you an overview of why we take the position we take on certain issues.

I think that Mark Twain said it best: “It’s not what you don’t know that gets you into trouble. It’s what you know for certain that just ain’t so.” The field of nutrition and medicine I would add is littered with a lot of people who think they know the answer. They have a lot of strong beliefs about what’s right and what’s wrong, but what I’ve done over the last eight years is pierce the mythology that dominates the world of nutrition. Most of it hinges around a complete lack of awareness about how important magnesium is as a mineral. It is so foundational, and it was an … Again, it was eight years ago when I started this journey, and I started by reading Carolyn Dean’s book called The Magnesium Miracle. It was like reading a murder story. I suddenly discovered why all those people were in the hospital beds when I was working as an executive, because they were all magnesium-deficient. It was really a very humbling moment to come to realize just how unaware we all are around how basic and foundational this mineral is. It’s the orchestra leader. It’s the conductor of all the minerals in our body.

It’s a very profound concept to think of just one mineral being that important, but it is. What it’s led me to do is really try to boil down this message so that people can really crystallize and understand, “What do I have to be mindful of? What are the real basics?” What I’ve done is I’ve created a very simple model so that we can all understand it. What I’ve used as my reference point is, “If I can understand it, I think everybody can understand it.” I’m a pretty simple guy. I’m more of a carpenter at heart. Carpenters use their thumb to measure an inch. I try to get it down to the basics. Here is something that’s very important to understand. In my fundamental paradigm, there really are only two events taking place, from cradle to grave. Our magnesium status is dropping as we get older, as we go through life. I affectionately refer to it as our magnesium burn rate, and it accelerates as we get older. When you’re 16 and you break up with your boyfriend or your girlfriend, oh, that’s the end of the world, but when you’re in your 60’s, and your spouse gets a a serious illness, or your parents start to die, or there’s some economic crisis in your life, that’s a very different magnesium burn rate, and the loss of magnesium does in fact accelerate as we get older.

It’s a pretty basic concept to understand, but there’s a flip side to it. This is equally as important that as we go through life, we’re actually accumulating iron. Who knew? It turns out when you really get into the fundamentals and really understanding the planet earth, the number one element on planet earth is iron. It’s 36% of the earth’s composition. That’s not insignificant. There’s also a lot of mythology around that, a lot of people think they’re anaemic, when in fact they’re not. We’ll save that for a later point in the conversation. The point is these two mineral events crisscross, and they crisscross by the time we’re 40 years of age. Anyone who is over 40 knows how different they feel on that side of the crisscross than they did before the crisscross, because that’s when all of the ailments and the aches and pains, and all the symptoms begin to appear as the body has more iron and less magnesium to work with.

It turns out that iron is in fact the metal that ages us. It’s what’s behind what’s called oxidative stress. It’s also the trigger for the loss of magnesium that leads to inflammation. It’s a very important dynamic to understand how these two minerals relate to each other, and it turns out that over the course of the day, magnesium and iron are fighting over oxygen all day long. What is magnesium oxide? It’s the brightest burning fire on the planet. The Chinese discovered that 4,000 years ago when they discovered fireworks. That’s where they come from, magnesium oxide. What’s the flip side? It’s called iron oxide. We know it is rust, and that’s what slows us down. That’s what changes enzyme pathways. That’s what causes the aging process that occurs inside the mitochondria to stop the production of ATP. That is the cellular event that creates aging is the loss of energy, the loss of what’s called ATP. ATP, by the way, doesn’t work unless it’s complexed with magnesium. This is ATP. This is ATP holding magnesium. These three appendages that are sticking out there are the phosphate groups, and they don’t materialize until ATP is holding magnesium. It’s really important. In fact, it’s so foundational that it affects the functioning of 3,700 proteins in the body. I think that’s pretty important.

We’ve got these fundamental minerals and how they relate. When we start life, we have what’s called a normal liver. You know liver. It’s located on the right side just onto your ribcage. It’s an incredibly important organ. You may know that. I just want to emphasize it. What happens as the body ages, as we go through the stress of life, as our magnesium burn rate builds, it changes the whole concept and construction and functionality of the liver. What happens is it becomes a ferrous wheel. I use that term because I’m a very witty guy. I spell it differently, but it turns out that the ferrous form of iron is what causes all the problems in the body because iron exists in two different states. It’s the ferrous form that is so problematic, and so what happens is as we go through stress, the iron starts to build up in our liver, and it starts to have far reaching effects, and out in the perimeter, out in the seats on this ferrous wheel are all the symptoms, all the problems, all the ailments, all the labels that we’ve been given, “Oh, you’re diabetic. Oh, you have depression. Oh, you have IBS,” or whatever label you’ve been branded with that you now wear up here, and you start to believe that. It turns out that it really is a result of the axle that’s at the center of that ferrous wheel isn’t working right.

Let’s take a closer look at what that axle is. These are my mineral priorities. You obviously know that my first love is magnesium, or I refer to her as Maggie. She’s just amazing in terms of what it does and what it’s able to ensure as we go through life, but think of magnesium as the mineral of motion. When you’re trying to get things done, but especially inside the body, there are handoffs that need to be made in order for the body to function properly. Those handoffs, those enzymatic pathways work best when magnesium is at an optimal state, so magnesium is in fact the mineral of motion. What’s its polar opposite? It’s called calcium. What is calcium? It’s the mineral of cement. Interesting, you don’t think about it that way. You’ve been raised to believe that we can’t get enough calcium, and that it’s what runs the body. That’s not true. Calcium serves at the pleasure of magnesium.

There are three hormones that are devoted to assessing and making sure that calcium levels are at the right level but also at the right location of the body. Those are calcitonin, parathyroid hormone, and the third that you may not be as familiar with is called Hormone D. You think of it as Vitamin D, but it’s actually a hormone. In fact, it’s the oldest hormone on the planet earth. It’s also the most powerful hormone in the human body. It’s not candy. It turns out that all three of those hormones only work properly when magnesium is at optimal levels. It’s a very unusual set of relationships that the calcium level is in fact dictated by the magnesium level. It’s very, very important to understand that.

Another very important mineral is called copper. Everybody knows copper. Our pennies used to be made with copper back in the day. Now, they’re made with zinc. I find that very funny, but it turns out that copper is a very, very important mineral because you can’t make ATP unless you have bioavailable forms of copper, and ATP doesn’t work as we were talking about unless it’s holding on to magnesium, but copper has a particularly important function inside the body. I call it the mineral of sunshine. You know that back in they day when our grandparents used to do the laundry, they would hang them outside to dry. Why would they do that? Because they knew the sunshine would oxidize the clothes. Oxidation is a very important function, and that’s what copper ensures inside the body is make sure that things get oxidized properly. One of the most important things that it oxidizes is the mineral called iron. Again, iron is the mineral of rust. It’s what ages us. That aging process is taking place because iron is not being properly managed by the copper.

It begins to create this dynamic between magnesium, calcium, copper, and iron. Clearly, there are other minerals involved. There are 18 essential minerals, but these four really play a very powerful role in keeping the body in balance but also keeping the liver in balance. What I want to point out is that there’s also this concept or it’s an enzyme that’s very, very important for the functionality of copper, and that’s called ceruloplasmin. That’s what the picture is. What ceruloplasmin guarantees is to make sure that the iron moves from that ferrous state into what’s called a ferric state, and that’s what enables different proteins to be attached to iron like hemoglobin and transferrin and lactoferrin, and all these other critical proteins that regulate and make sure that iron is doing its proper job in the body, but not getting distracted, not getting into a state where it’s going to create all sorts of problems for the individual. It’s very, very important to understand that magnesium is unique, and that it’s the only mineral that I know of where you can successfully and safely restore its deficiency through supplementation. All the other minerals need to be done indirectly. That’s a very different concept for people to think about because we’ve all been raised to believe that it’s a high-low game in nutrition. “Oh, that’s low, take this, and it will get high.” It doesn’t work that way except with magnesium.

What makes copper unique is that it only works when it’s complex with that enzyme called ceruloplasmin. It’s the only enzyme that I know of that has eight copper atoms inside it. It’s an incredibly complex and important enzyme in the body, but note that I’m not talking about treating them in isolation. You can’t really talk about calcium status unless you’re giving true understanding to what the magnesium status is, and you can’t really talk about any consideration of iron unless you understand both magnesium and copper status. It’s also important that I’m not focusing on zinc. Zinc is a great mineral, but it’s a very distracting mineral, because a lot of people feel that they are zinc deficient but it turns out that zinc and iron compete with each other for absorption, and so if zinc is low, it’s a safe bet that iron is too high. You have to be very careful that when you start to then shift to taking zinc supplements, what you’re going to do is you’re going to change the chemistry of the liver, it’s going to create another protein called metallothionein. That protein binds up copper a thousand times stronger than it binds up zinc. It effectively puts copper into a jail cell. Copper is not the bad guy. Copper needs to be complexed with its enzyme so that it can work the magical things that it does work inside the body, and so I think there’s a lot of confusion and misunderstanding about what in fact is going on. Hopefully that gives you a sense of what the priorities are and why we tend to focus on certain issues, and not other issues.

The other great revelation for me was when I started this work, I was very myopic. I was very focused on just focused on magnesium. I thought, “Come on, all you got to do is restore magnesium status, and everything would be fine.” There were practitioners who said, “Morley, it’s more complicated than that. If it was that simple, we would have done that.” I thought, “Well, they must not understand it the way I do.” Then after a period of time, I came to realize they were right that it is more complicated. It turns out that the engine of disease is it’s a railway, and one of the rails is in fact magnesium deficiency. I was very deceived for a number of years to think that it was just a single railway. It turns out that there’s another player. That other player is called iron toxicity. You’re thinking, “Iron toxicity, what are you talking about? The doctor has been telling me I’m anemic, and I’ve been taking iron supplements for years.” I’ve got a lot of client who have been doing that as well. It’s because they don’t understand how to interpret a blood test. The important thing is that there have been some very profound changes made in our food system since the second World War, many that we’re not even aware of. We’ve never really connected all the dots.

We know that commercial farmings had a very significant impact on the availability of minerals in the soil. We know that minerals are not as prevalent in water, but not many people realize that in 1941, they started adding iron to our food. That’s called iron enrichment or iron fortification. As best as I can tell, the only people who have been enriched by that is big pharma because it’s a very bad thing to do. They’ve been doing it, like I said, since 1941, so we have 75 years of iron fortification in our food system, and it’s been principally through wheat and wheat products. You think, “Well, okay, if the government is going to mandate that we’re going to add iron, of course they’re going to use organic iron, right?” No. Unfortunately, they’ve been using iron filings. For those of you who are intrigued by thought, you can go out to YouTube, and you can see the videos where people have taken cereal, ground it up, put it in their milk, and they can put a magnet in it, and they can pull the cereal out of the bowl. That’s going inside our body, and that’s a very bad thing. We have to be really mindful to the fact that that’s been added.

Then in 1971, the FDA sought to increase that threefold. 37 scientists from around the world came to Washington, D.C. to testify against that decision. Basically, the gist of their testimony was this, “What are you trying to do, kill people?” In a magnanimous gesture, the FDA backed off their position, and they only chose to increase it by 50%. We’ve got the iron coming into the food. Then in the ’80’s, they added high fructose corn syrup. Then in the ’90’s, they added GMO products. What’s significant about both of those two events is that they lower copper status in the liver, and they increase iron status in the liver, which is the exact opposite of what’s needed, and it has a profound effect on the functionality of the liver and its ability to generate energy but also to support the amazing enzyme and detox functions of the liver.

All of that has been going on in the background that we weren’t even aware of. What’s important to understand is that there are pathogens out there, and there are pathogens in our body. Of course Louis Pasteur was famous for getting people to become very fearful of the boga woga bugs. It turns out that all the pathogens, bacteria, fungus, virus, and parasites, all four of them feed on an iron buffet, how convenient is that, and so the food system has been conspiring to support the pathogenic activity that’s taking place in our body and it’s created a lot of chaos. What the MA group is seeking to do is to begin to dispel that chaos and dispel the mythology that seems to pervade the universe. Hopefully that makes more sense to you, and you have a better sense of what we’re trying to do.

It turns out that when those four key minerals are in proper balance, the presence of the ferrous wheel is very subdued. You don’t have to worry about it, but invariably, what happens is as we go through life, we go through stress, and what happens is the magnesium starts to get depressed, and the copper starts to get pinched. It starts to affect the function of its key enzyme, ceruloplasmin. When that happens, calcium is building. Iron is building, and then what happens? That’s when the ferrous wheel appears. That’s eczematic. What happens is we’ve all been taught to focus on that ferrous wheel, and to focus on the seats at the outside of that ferrous wheel because that’s where all of the action is. That’s where all of the symptoms are. That’s where all of the attention is given, not on the axle. What we’re all about at the MA group is focus on the axle, and don’t worry about the seats.

I recognize that these conditions may in fact exist, but that’s not my worry. My primary focus, in helping people around the world, is to get them to realize that by focusing on that axle, they will begin to change the function of their liver. They will begin to increase the presence of that key enzyme, ceruloplasmin, and it will have a profound effect on the functionality of their body. I’ve seen it all over globe, and the real gist of it is a very simple protocol that I have been developing over the last several years that is known as the CP protocol. You might hear about it as the Mother Nature protocol, and it’s one that a lot of people have found a lot of benefit from that I want to share with you right now. Again, don’t fret about the symptoms that you’ve been trained to worry about. Focus on the axle. That’s where the action is.

Here is the secret sauce. There are really two principal parts to it. There’s a whole series of stops. In a minute, we’re going to talk about the starts. The stops are very, very important. They’re as important to stop these events as it is to start the ones that we’re going to talk about. You may be surprised by some of the things that we’re recommending. The first thing right out of the box, stop taking hormone D. In fact, this morning, I was sitting outside of Starbucks having a very pleasant cup of coffee. I’m in Arizona, where I think the last time I check, there is plenty of sunshine every day in this state, probably at least 325 days out of the year, and happened upon a conversation with three women who were rambling about how bad they felt. I said, “I’m just curious. Do you guys take vitamin D?” They went, “Oh yeah.” I said, “No, stop.” I tried to explain to them why. The point is what vitamin D does is it stops the liver’s production of ceruloplasmin. That’s a very bad thing. If I was seeking to bring the populous of the planet to its knees, there’s only one supplement I would focus on. That would be vitamin D, so please stop taking it.

You’ve also got to stop taking the calcium supplements and the iron supplements. What you need to do is really get a different kind of blood panel to find out what’s really going on inside your body as it relates to the dynamics particularly of these key minerals that we’re talking about. Also, stop taking ascorbic acid. There are two different forms of vitamin C. Ascorbic acid is the shell of the car. Whole food vitamin C is the car. Trust me, you want to be driving the car when you’re trying to solve problems.

You want to be very mindful of the sweeteners that you’re using. Stay away from high fructose corn syrup or anything that has a color. Colors are bad. Pink, yellow, blue, stay away from it. You also want to make sure you’ve got plenty of fat in your diet. This idea that low fat was a good idea was a very bad idea. You want to stay away from industrialized oils that are based on omega 6. You also want to be staying away from any product that has fluoride in it and that has a far reaching effect, and it has a profound impact on magnesium status in the body. I have a very striking position on multivitamins and pre-natals. I recommend people to stay away from them. Again, before a multivitamin can be created, it’s got to be a slurry. How do you make a slurry? You got to add water. What do you think is in the water? In three-fourths of the country, it’s fluoride, so it’s a very hidden way to add fluoride to your diet. You want to stay away from citrate. It has a very known impact in the body and in the mitochondria. It disrupts the functionality particularly of the liver’s ability to make ceruloplasmin. It’s not a well known reaction, but it is there. The research is very clear about the impact that citrate does have. You want to stay away from colloidal silver. A lot of people think of that as their very natural and friendly way to solve bacterial problems, but what it does is it really impacts copper status, because silver sits below copper on the periodic table. If you really want to do it, use nano silver, but not colloidal silver. It’s a very different beast, so you have to be very, very careful with that. Those are the stops you want to stay away from, things that you want to really start to focus on are you want to make sure that you’re using cod liver oil, something that your great grandparents had every day. They had a teaspoon. They hated it, but guess what? It made them healthy. I can assure you that our ancestors are far healthier 150 years ago back then than we are today.

It’s almost an embarrassment when you think about how dependent we’ve become on medications and all this focus around supplements and nutrients. It’s over engineered in my humble opinion, but you want to begin to focus on magnesium as we’ve been talking about. You want to have the whole food vitamin C. You want to start using the forms of B vitamins that come by way of Mother Nature, not from a bottle. No offense to the manufacturers out there. You just don’t get the same impact, and so I focused on bee pollen in part because I think it’s really funny that Mother Nature has bees giving us B vitamins. I think that’s really very cool. Rice bran is a very important source of B vitamins, but it also has something called phytic acid that you’ve been trained to think as an anti nutrient, but in fact when it’s taken away from food, it chelates iron out of the body. That’s a good thing. Then another rich source of B vitamins is called beef liver. Like I said, I’ve had consults with 3,000 people, and I can count on two hands now, eight people around the world who love to eat beef liver. Four of them are from the U.K. Two are from the States, and two are from Europe. It’s a very odd element. People are really afraid of it, but it’s the best source of B vitamins. It’s the best balance of iron, copper, and zinc. It’s a very rich source of retinol, which is vitamin A. It’s an amazing source of other nutrients that are very, very important for our body. I would encourage you to start to embrace that as an option.

Silica coming by way of either diatomaceous earth or horse tail or other forms helps to pull aluminum out of the body especially out of the liver so that the liver is not distracted with that heavy metal, so that it can in fact to making ceruloplasmin. Focus on the ancestral diet. It’s a derivative of obviously the Paleo Diet that’s very popular now. Some additional elements are boron, thorium, and iodine. They’re very, very important as it relates to managing the dynamics that we’re talking about. Note that I point out iodine at least from my standpoint is last on the list, because most people will run to it but they don’t have enough magnesium in their body to support it. That’s a very delicate situation that people get into. It’s a very important mineral. It’s just got to be at the right time. That’s the secret sauce. There is not different secret sauces for different people. That’s another area where we really differ from a lot of conventional thought. This one set of directions, things to stop, things to start has a profound effect on helping to restore natural metabolic balance in the body.

What I’d like to do is just share a few case studies of people who are on the MAG group, people that I’ve worked with who’ve had some very significant transformations over the last few years, particularly in the last year, as they’ve began to work with this secret sauce, this CP protocol. Case study here is with a young girl named Kristina. Over a year ago, she was very distressed with a lot of emotional issues, taking a lot of medications. You can see the transformation of her image from April of 2015 to April of 2016. It’s a very profound change that took place. Her mom is an amazing mom. I think Kristina won the mom lottery, because her mom is very devoted to trying to figure out what’s going on. When she came to the MA group, she began to read things that she had never read before. She began to make changes. She began to work with Kristina’s physician to begin to scale back on the medications. What I find particularly poignant of the blah, blah, blah that’s attached to the picture is her actual words that she shared on the MAG group. She was thanking the group for all of the insight and the guidance that she had been given. I think the last bullet point says it all: “What was the very first supplement we started with? Well, magnesium of course”. And it just helped her daughter calm down. Again, here, we have this young girl. She’s a stress cadet at a very early age. She was a magnesium dessert. As her mom began to read more and began to understand how important this mineral was, she started to introduce it into Kristina’s life and into her body, and it had a magical effect. It’s something that too few people understand how transformative that one mineral can be. That’s a very profound case study of what just one change can make in someone’s life. Obviously, she’s embraced the full protocol, but the point is she knew where to start, and it had a very significant effect on her daughter. Now, she’s pretty much medication-free as far as I know. I don’t think she’s on any prescription medications, which is a rather dramatic shift for her to take particularly at this tender age.

Another situation, this particular individual, Ann, lives in Armenia. She has been struggling with anemia for almost a decade. She has done exactly what convention has told her. Take iron supplements. She knew something was wrong. She wasn’t feeling better. In fact, the pains and the symptoms began to build, and she happened upon the Magnesium Advocacy Group, and again, it had a very transformative effect. She began to read. She began to really begin to adopt these principles. As you can see from her brief testimony here, she’s had a very significant shift in the leg pain. She used to have a lot of soreness. That’s now gone. She used to have a lot of dizziness. That’s nearly gone. The shortness of breath that she had grown up with, that is now gone. She has significantly greater energy now than she’s ever had particularly in her adult life. What’s also presented here are some actual blood test results. What’s intriguing is when you begin to look at three key indices that are there, the first one is just to look at the ceruloplasmin. When she started the process in January of this year, she didn’t even think to measure ceruloplasmin, but then in May, she measured it. It was 26. Then in October, five months later, it actually had gone down. It went down a notch, but what’s amazing is to think about all of those symptoms that have been now removed from her body. What’s notable is that her serum iron has gone from being very low. It’s 57% of what it should be, and then it went above the mark. I like to see women have about 100 units of serum iron in their body. Now, where is she? 102, she’s right at the sweet spot, again, by following the protocol. The same protocol that the other individual is following, Ann is following. Kristina and Ann following the same protocol, two completely different people, two completely different set of events, but following the same protocol allowed different enzyme pathways to work properly. Then what’s really interesting is to see what happened to her ferritin level. It was very, very low, single digits. 7.3 is enough to make most physicians go apoplectic start yammering about the need for IV iron. All she did was follow the protocol, and now, her ferritin is at 24. What a leading clinician is looking for, they want ferritin to be between 20 and 50. Anytime it’s below 20 or anytime it’s above 50, you know they have an iron problem, because they have a copper problem because they’re stressed out, because they don’t have enough magnesium. It’s pretty much that simple. Here is a very striking example of how the same protocol had a profound effect in another individual halfway around the world.

Then back here to the States again, here, we have someone, Bev, who’s been struggling with fibromyalgia for many, many years, and she has been absolutely transformed over the course of the last year by following this very simple, very humble protocol that really focuses on maybe seven or eight different nutrients. What she wanted to do was present a picture for people to see, this is it folks. It doesn’t have to be more complicated than that, and that there’s a lot of bells and whistles out there in the world of nutrition, but when you really begin to understand the fundamentals of how the body works particularly when you understand how the minerals work, what you’re really beginning to focus on is that’s the quantum level of healing. That’s where the energy is. That’s where the electrons are flowing or at the level of minerals, and stop worrying about hormones and all of these big particles that it doesn’t make sense. You’ve got to fix the minerals. That’s what this very simple protocol does. That’s what it did for Bev, and she is ecstatic. Every, I guess, about for to six weeks, Bev will do another post to let people know how she is, how great she feels. She is one of the great promoters of this whole concept, and she’s doing great.

Those are just three that I highlighted, but know that there is an entire Facebook group that’s devoted to testimonials. It’s called the Morley Robbins Testimonies. At the top of the group is one of my signature statements. Listen up: “There is no such thing as medical disease. There is only metabolic dysfunction caused by mineral dysregulation.” Invariably, what causes that mineral dysregulation is what I call myth-guided diagnosis. The three most offensive diagnosis that people are subjected to is what I call the triangle offense. They try to treat the thyroid. They try to treat what they think is low calcium, and they try to treat what they think is low iron. In all three cases, by treating those three events, they create a lot of problems, and they create a lot of mineral dysregulation, because it turns out that what’s really in need of attention are the adrenals because anyone who has a thyroid issue has a burned out adrenals. Anyone who has any calcium issues doesn’t have enough magnesium, and anybody who has an iron issue needs more bioavailable copper that comes by way of making the liver make more ceruloplasmin, so the body knows what to do. It’s really that simple. Please know that that particular Facebook group exists so that people can learn about other testimonials.

I’ve worked with over 3,000 clients since I got started in this work in 2008. Just in the last 12 months, I’ve worked with a thousand people. It’s a very relentless pace. I’m very excited to do it. I’m very honored to do it. I’m very humbled by it, because I didn’t set out when I was a little guy saying, “I know what I want to be when I grow up. I want to be magnesium man, and I want to solve all sorts of health problems all over the world.” That’s not how I started out, but I knew even as a little guy, I knew I was here for a reason. I know what my purpose is. My purpose is to teach you what I know. I’m not trying to be the guru here. I want you to be the guru. I want to teach you what I know so that you can be the guru for your situation, and I want to help you transform your understanding of what’s taking place so that you can get over your physical ailments, so that you can get on with your purpose, because you were not out on this planet to worry about diabetes, or heart disease, or lime disease, or depression, or whatever the label is that you’re obsessed with right now. I don’t mean to make light of it. I know it’s a very serious situation, but there is a foundational imbalance that’s allowing that to happen, and it is because the axle isn’t being addressed. Stop worrying about the seats. Focus on the axle. That’s what this group is all about.

Again, the ceruloplasmin protocol, the secret sauce is the same for everyone, every race, creed, color, age. It doesn’t matter. I’ve helped an eight-year-old boy who was born anemic, who was being fed iron supplements for most of his young life. He struggled to build enough hemoglobin in his body, and now for the first time, after one month on the protocol, one month, his hemoglobin went from nine, which is really low to almost 12 in one month. The doctors are shocked. They actually are mesmerized by what’s going on. I just want you to understand that there is no aspect of this that isn’t going, in terms of its reach and its ability, to affect people. I have gone through a series of notable case studies. Just know, there are hundreds and hundreds of others. There may even be thousands. I don’t even know what the count is. Someone pointed out just the other day that while there may be 68,000 people on the MAG group right now, that’s 68,000 families. There are all sorts of spouses, and children, and friends. We don’t really know what the reach is of the group, but we know that there is a message here. There’s a need for this information, and people are benefiting mightily from it, and we hope that you do as well.

Let me just summarize with some key points here. What I’d like you to do is understand but act on this whole dynamic particularly between magnesium and iron. They do have this very dynamic relationship with each other, and they are the railway. When magnesium is low and iron is too high, it becomes this railway for disease. It’s guaranteed. Just like any railway that you might know about, any train tracks you’ve ever seen, those rails don’t touch. In the research, you don’t see magnesium researchers talking about iron, or iron researchers talking about magnesium, but because I understand both dynamics, I know that they in fact intersect and interact, and that’s where all the chaos is in the body is the interaction between those two key minerals. Please, stop treating the seats of your ferrous wheel. You’re not going to win that battle. The only thing that’s going to happen is you’re going to make your doctor fabulously wealthy. You’re not really going to empower yourself until you begin to focus on the axle, because it’s very simple steps that need to be taken to change your diet and to focus on a key set of nutrients in order to make that shift of reality.

Also, learn to distinguish between functional iron deficiency and absolute iron deficiency. I think it’s next to impossible to have what’s called anemia of iron deficiency. That’s an absolute shortage of iron in the body. You can’t live on this planet and have shortage of iron, but you can be on this planet and have a shortage of what’s called functional iron and if you don’t have enough bioavailable copper, you will have low functional iron. It’s a very subtle distinction, but that situation, when you have low functional iron, it’s called anemia of chronic inflammation, and it leads to low magnesium, low ceruloplasmin, low serum iron, low percent saturation, and low ferritin. I think there are a lot of you out there that meet all five of those requirements. You got to rethink what’s really going on with your iron status in your body.

Know also that excess unbound iron will lead to a loss of magnesium. Iron changes the PH of the cell, and when the cell goes acidic, magnesium hits the road. It’s going to cause magnesium loss, which is going to lead to what’s called the inflammation. Inflammation does not come from Mars. Inflammation is not a disease. Inflammation is a clinical indication of magnesium deficiency. William Weglicki and his team at George Washington University proved that beyond the shadow of a doubt, and the literature is in 1992 in the American Journal of Physiology. It’s a really important thing to understand that inflammation, which is a gateway to every condition you’ve ever heard of, is caused by a lack of magnesium. When magnesium is low, and inflammation exists, it will lead to what’s called low storage D, or it’s called low Vitamin D. Everyone who thinks they have low Vitamin D has nothing to do with Vitamin D. It’s actually they’re low in magnesium, because it turns out that every facet of Vitamin D metabolism is magnesium dependent. If you don’t know that, and you start to focus on the Vitamin D, you’re only going to weaken your magnesium status, and solidify your inflammatory cascade even more. Understand those dynamics. Understand what the true flow of the activity is inside the body. It’s very disorienting to hear that, but it’s the truth. I guarantee it.

Please, stop attacking the pathogens and the other guests, the heavy metals or whatever the boga woga issue is you think you’ve got. Know that all the pathogens in fact feed on iron. To borrow a phrase from the French, a famous and very sexist phrase is: if there is ever a problem, it’s called cherchez lefemme, look for the woman. Of course, the woman is causing the problem. Well, in my world, cherchez leferre. Whenever there’s a problem in someone’s health or well being, I know that their iron is out of control, and it’s affecting their magnesium status, cherchez leferre. It’s that simple. Look for the iron. That’s really the gist of it… I thought I was done. These are my three areas of passion and my purpose. Obviously, the Magnesium Advocacy Group was formed a number of years ago. It’s where a lot of information is housed. It’s gotmag.org. You can spend the rest of the year reading what’s on that group in terms of the information that’s there. I invite you to do just that. I think you’ll find it very refreshing and very enlightening.

Magnesium Advocacy Group, obviously, you’re here. You’re interested in joining the group. As I pointed out, it was born about four years ago in January. I’m very proud of the growth and the sophistication and just the quality and the caliber of information that we have available. It’s a very unexpected blessing, and I’m very, very proud of it. Just so you know where I’m going in the future, I’m going to be creating what I call the Copernican Institute for mineral metabolism. That’s going to be launched in the coming year starting in January 2017. Why Copernicus? Because Copernicus got people to stop focusing on the earth as the center of the universe, and start focusing in the sun. The same concept here, stop focusing on the seats. Focus on the axle, and get people to understand what that really means. I’m really going to focus on two principal student groups, practitioners and the populous, and may the better group win. I don’t really care who learns this. I know that people are going to benefit from it, and what I’ve recently said to a group of practitioners who I was meeting with, I was basically putting them on notice. I said, “If you don’t understand what I’m talking about, you are going to become irrelevant, because these people do understand it, and they’re understanding it at the rate of 1,000 people a week. It’s probably going to go even higher as this progresses. Just know that you’re part of a significant movement. It is a people’s movement. I’m very proud of it, and I think it’s changing lives, and it’s really helping to lower the stress on this planet. I feel very, very good about that.

This is my contact information. Feel free to reach out to me. I’ve never met a question I didn’t enjoy. You can reach out to me at my website at morley@gotmag.org. Feel free to call me. I’m never afraid to share my cellphone. People are always very, “Oh, I’d be terrified.” When I actually answer my phone, people are stunned at first. They’re like, “Oh my gosh, oh, I’m talking to the magnesium man.” I’m like, “Calm down. Come on.” I like to tease people that I don’t actually walk on water, but I do wear waterproof shoes just in case. Just know that I’m out there. I’m a resource. I’m very happy to help, and I look forward to your participation and to your involvement in the group. I’m trusting that you got the message that if you want smooth sailing, what you want to do is focus on magnesium. It is the mineral of motion, and this was the signature phrase of Mildred Seelig, clearly one of the greatest magnesium researchers that graced this planet. It’s what she was most proud of is getting people to understand and internalize what that meant, and the body is all about motion, and magnesium is what enables that to take place. Again, welcome to the group. Thank you for your time and attention. I look forward to your participation going forward. Take care. -Morley Robbins

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Liv I.H. | The Root Cause Protocol helped me lower my Ferritin levels and cease taking metabolic medication

Liv I.H. | The Root Cause Protocol helped me lower my Ferritin levels and cease taking metabolic medication

Tomorrow marks an exciting day for me… tomorrow it has been a year since I stopped metabolic medication after using it for 17 years. This last year hasn’t been a roller coaster.. because it has only gone all the way up… I have simply balanced the minerals in the body and ensured that Magnesium, Iron, Copper, Zinc and Calcium have become more balanced. I have also arranged to increase my ceruloplasmin production so that Iron and Copper are moving in my body, and are not stored in my organs and tissues. In November of last year I had Ferritin levels at 126… today my Ferritin levels are at 18.. and it hasn’t been that low it since 1999. I do things I haven’t done in years, and have energy left, when the working day is over, to do things other than just work. These last months have been busy. Both with work and private life, but my spare time goes to things it didn’t before, like going skiing trips to the mountains and it in those situations where life does things I thought she couldn’t… but my God how wonderful it is to feel like you’re alive! I will forever be grateful for you Morley Robbins and everything you have taught me…
Linette C. | The Root Cause Protocol helped me with my Lyme Disease symptoms

Linette C. | The Root Cause Protocol helped me with my Lyme Disease symptoms

I have been on The Root Cause Protocol for 7 months. When I started to dig deeper into researching natural protocols for Lyme healing, I came across the Root Cause Protocol (via the Magnesium Advocacy Group on Facebook). It has been the best thing ever!!! My whole life I have been told I was anemic. But now we know the truth!! Thank God for Morley and his leadership in this group!! I’ve tried every detox. Every cleanse. Been to so many doctors and naturopaths. I prayed that God would send me to the right path. You cannot go wrong with the Root Cause Protocol. Your thyroid, hormones, pain, inflammation, weakness, restless legs, sleeplessness, nervousness, and more can all be helped if not cured. I am living proof. And I’m telling all of my friends and acquaintances with Lyme, Fibromyalgia, Chronic Fatigue, Thyroid issues, Adrenal issues, to get on the Root Cause Protocol and now they are feeling better also. My life was not even worth living at one point. I now am exercising, getting my strength back, and now can tolerate stress! Thank you to these incredible people who are giving so much of their valuable time and love. I cannot express how happy and thankful I am.
Linda G. | Estrogen Dominance, Pain, Inflammation, Miscarriage

Linda G. | Estrogen Dominance, Pain, Inflammation, Miscarriage

2017 was the year Morleys RCP saved my life. I will never forget the year 2017. Thank You very much Morley. 2014 was the year my health declined. I experienced several miscarriages and soon after my biochemistry was out of whack. I was engaged in my health and supplemented with the “usual suspects” as long as I can remember. High dose ascorbic acid several times a day to make sure a steady flow in the blood. High dose D and so on. I researched the internet and learned everything about estrogen dominance. I experienced inflammations in my neck, shoulder and hip. The pain was excruciating. I could not sleep and was crying at night. I gained weight. My clothing did not fit me and I wore my loose fitting shorts all summer. My legs swelled. My boobs swelled. My belly bloated like I was 6 months pregnant. I easily got wounds, which took a long time to heal. I had wounds rear end doing sit ups. I had wounds in my back driving my car. My eyes were dry and sometimes infected. I got skin infections. I was feeling miserable. Deprived of motivation. Careless. Depressive. Irritable. No doctors could help. One insinuated I was a hypochondriac What was happening? I started to do more research and learned about the hormones. The hormone supplementing was going to rescue my health, for sure. I started the bioidentical supplementing game. Progesterone relieved my symptoms immediately and I felt fabulous. However estrogen dominance never wanted to leave me. I was using progesterone all the time, high dosage, for a long time. The doctor put me on Thyroid as well. One day the doctor refused to prescribe progesterone because I was overusing and abusing it. Was I ever going to get well? I hated estrogen dominance and wanted my life back. 2016 I went to Belgium. This doctor was going to end my misery, for sure. I came back to Norway with all the bioidentical hormones you can think of, including estrogen, for Gods heavens sake can you believe it. I spent a lot of Money in Belgium. I remember asking the doctor why my serum estrogen was high at the same time FSH counting high. He did not know, acknowledging it was contradictory. Now I know why. He did not mention my low mag rbc. Autumn 2016 the nutrients got my attention and I engaged in a strict diet a la Weston Price. I excluded all vegetables, fruits and grains. A clever nutritionist talked about the lack of nutrients causing every health issue. I was blown away and started to research the nutrients. The nutrients was going to resolve my health issues, for sure. I tossed my hormones. Started eating. My diet actually had not been that bad since my health declined. I was already on a low carb diet, no grains, lots of vegetables, ecological. I was now doing the protocol stop list. I was a member of this group at the time, however I was more active in a norwegian group, which addressed the nutrients and advocated the Price diet. Spring 2017. I was feeling miserable. Mentally and physically. I was depressed. My brain was inflamed. I looked like a werewolf, my forehead swelled and bulged. I was crying, trying to figure out what was happening. I had gained weight. My mid waist was bulging and looked like a bowling ball. I started to lose faith. I started thinking of ways to end it. And I was crying, thinking of my son. I went to the doctor and took some tests. I had started to investigate this group some more. I checked my previous lab tests, including lab testing in Belgium, where they did a lot of testing, including mag rbc, ceruloplasmin etc. Ferritin was now 140 compared to 35 at the time my health worsened. I connected the dots and realized what had to be done. I started to rid of toxic iron and included blood phlebotomies, which I performed myself as I did not have the time to wait for donating blood. My mental health was going south. I started to learn about the minerals. 2017 was the year I learned about the minerals and toxic iron Health crisis resolved. No mental pain. No physical pain. Estrogen dominance no more. Thank you for being so patient, Morley. Thank you for repeating yourself. Thank you for all the time you have spent in research. Thank you for the digging. Thank you for presenting the cause of disease. Thank you for explaining in an easy to understand way. Thank you for this gift of knowing what I now know. THANK YOU.