Iron Toxicity Post #7: All manner of pathogens – fungal, viral, mycotoxin etc., MUST have iron to flourish and grow!

Iron Toxicity Post #7: All manner of pathogens – fungal, viral, mycotoxin etc., MUST have iron to flourish and grow!

(Formerly #1)

It has taken me much of 2015 to fully process the many stellar studies reviewed on the toxicity of iron:

“Health-e-Iron: prevention is the cure”

Brace yourself! You will not enjoy what these articles has to say:

All manner of pathogens, bacterial, fungal, viral, mycotoxin, etc. must have iron to flourish and grow.

And where do they find that iron?

It is largely from the iron stored in our ferritin.

Please do the following:

  1. Rethink how ferritin loading strategy is so radically flawed and is the source of iron essential for these pathogens, bacterial, fungal, viral, mycotoxin, etc., Do wonder at how many people are dealing with candida, mold, viral issues etc.
  2. Please get a comprehensive blood test that measures all facets of iron, including your ceruloplasmin (Cp) status.

While this highlighted article is “silent” on Cp’s central role in iron management, I believe I have presented compelling evidence and research the past few weeks that should overcome even the greatest of skeptics. Cp makes copper bioavailable, and manages every facet of iron metabolism.

Why does Mg Man keep obsessing over iron?

Iron-induced oxidative stress! It increases our Magnesium Burn Rate (MBR). One of magnesium’s (Mg) greatest gifts is to change the structure of key chemicals so that they work optimally inside our bodies and inside our cells. It does this for adenosine triphosphate (ATP), Ceruloplasmin (Cp), and among others!  There are 3,571 proteins that must have magnesium to work properly.

We have keen insight on how we keep losing our Mg, and we now know that to optimize the function of our ceruloplasmin, our Mg had best be robust!

Thank you for taking the time to plow through this material. It is neither an easy read, nor a pleasant message but I firmly believe it extends our understanding of the truth of our physiology and pathophysiology.

We have much to discuss and much to do to correct our thinking and to correct the notable metal (low copper < > high iron) imbalances that are the very root of what ails us.

A votre sante!


For Facebook discussion:

Iron Toxicity Post #6: Magnesium deficiency and abnormal iron metabolism

Iron Toxicity Post #6: Magnesium deficiency and abnormal iron metabolism

(Formerly #8)

For those seeking the truth, please read just the last sentence of this article’s abstract: 

“These results suggest that magnesium-deprived rats have abnormal iron metabolism losing homeostatic regulation of plasma iron, and magnesium deficient rats with dietary iron overload may be used as an experimental hemochromatosis model.”

Kimura M., Yokoi, K. (1996). “Iron accumulation in tissues of magnesium-deficient rats with dietary iron overload.”

We would be the “magnesium deficient rats” in this global experiment with excess dietary iron!  

Please reconsider chasing low ferritin only iron measurements.

A votre sante!


For Facebook Discussion:

Iron Toxicity Post #5: A deficiency of Ceruloplasmin (Cp) is one of the earliest manifestations of Copper deficiency

Iron Toxicity Post #5: A deficiency of Ceruloplasmin (Cp) is one of the earliest manifestations of Copper deficiency

(Formerly #7)

Iron stains on live

To any and all still thinking that more iron is the best way to treat iron anemia, please read the following:

Lee, G.R., et al. (1968). “Iron metabolism in copper deficient swine.”

Please do not be alarmed or afraid of the 1968 publication.  It is a stellar article about iron metabolism and copper deficiency.

The stunner is found in the discussion: 

“A deficiency of Ceruloplasmin (Cp) is one of the earliest manifestations of Copper deficiency.” (Lahey, 1952)

And finally, please know that we would be the copper deficient swine in this study.

Hope this clarifies the critical, central role of copper and ceruloplasmin in the optimal metabolism of iron.

A votre sante!


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Iron Toxicity Post #4: It’s the bookends of iron that will kill your metabolism

Iron Toxicity Post #4: It’s the bookends of iron that will kill your metabolism

(Formerly #6)

Linking between iron overload, lack of ceruloplasmin, cancer and the bookends of iron.

Please read about the bookends of iron that will inhibit your metabolism.  It is ceruloplasmin that regulates the iron proteins not more iron, as it is common practice. 

Toyokuni, S. (2010). “Mysterious link between iron overload and CDKN2A/2B.”

A votre sante!


For Facebook Discussion:

Iron Toxicity Post #3: The underlying pathogenic event in oxidative stress is cellular iron mismanagement

Iron Toxicity Post #3: The underlying pathogenic event in oxidative stress is cellular iron mismanagement

(Formerly #5)

The underlying pathogenic event in oxidative stress is cellular iron mismanagement and how is iron is managed inside our cells and bodies.

“The underlying pathogenic event in oxidative stress is cellular iron mismanagement.”

Thompson, K.I. et al (2001) “Iron & Neurodegenerative Disorders.” Brain Research Bulletin, 55: 155-164)

For those seeking the granular truth of how iron is managed inside our cells and inside our bodies:

A votre sante!


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