Do you ever wonder what happens when iron and magnesium get together and the effect of iron overload in the liver on magnesium status?
MAG-pie Alert!… #26 TOXICITY OF IRON: the Iron-ic Ignorance of Blood testing…
MAG-Pie & MAG-net Alert!Post #26 on the Iron-ic Ignorance of Blood testing...I'll make this one short and sweet... (I'm just as sick of ALL of these Posts on Iron as you are... 😉 ) Please read this important...
Iron Toxicity Post #29: Irregular iron blood markers especially low ferritin is code for more magnesium, ceruloplasmin and B2
When iron blood markers show irregularities, especially low ferritin, we know that’s code for the need for more magnesium, ceruloplasmin (bioavailable copper) and riboflavin (B2).
Iron Toxicity Post #28: Stop allowing ferritin only blood test!
Stop allowing ferritin-only blood tests. Ferritin is coming from damaged cells and has leaked its pro-oxidant iron load.
Iron Toxicity Post #27: On the Iron-ic ignorance of blood testing
Study on how ferritin is not an indicator of hepatic stores in anemia.
Iron Toxicity Post #26: Red Blood Cell metabolism is by inference Iron metabolism
The objective of iron metabolism is mobilization, and ceruloplasmin is the metabolic agent to guarantee that functional requirement is met.
Iron Toxicity Post #25: Iron movement, not iron storage!
Iron movement not iron storage as iron is supposed to RE-cycle. Find out why ferritin only is not the marker for anemia and the connection to ceruloplasmin.
Iron Toxicity Post #24: Diabetes is NOT a medical disease!
Diabetes is not a medical disease; it is just copper and iron dysregulation.
MAG-pie Alert!… #16 TOXICITY OF IRON: o There is NO such thing as "medical disease" o There is ONLY "metabolic dysfunction" CAUSED by "mineral dysregulation"
MAG-pie Alert!... #16 TOXICITY OF IRON o There is NO such thing as "medical disease" o There is ONLY "metabolic dysfunction" CAUSED by "mineral dysregulation" o This is TIGGERED by our "moronic diet" of Iron-enriched & Iron-altering foods (HFCS & GMO) that are...
Iron Toxicity Post #23: Iron shavings in processed food!
Iron shavings in processed food, a YouTube depiction.