Hypoferremia occurs in any inflamed state and it is code for low bioavailable copper not lack of iron.
Filter Blog Posts
Iron Toxicity Post #74: Will the REAL Vitamin-A step forward
Vitamin A (retinol) and iron metabolism and dispelling the myth surround vitamin A being toxic.
Iron Toxicity Post #72: Iron deficiency is associated with RESISTANCE to infection
This iron toxicity post is about the dangers of ferritin only diagnosis of iron deficiency or anemia.
Iron Toxicity Post #70: The Iron-ic truth of osteoporosis
This post is about the ironic truth of osteoporosis and its origin.
Dr. Ben Edwards | You’re the Cure | April 30, 2018
Dr. Ben Edwards | You’re the Cure | April 30, 2018
Iron Toxicity Post #68: It’s really the iron, especially in gluten!
It really the iron, especially in gluten!
Iron Toxicity Post #66: ‘Iron and the RBC (Red Blood Cell): Is this where the assault begin?
Iron and the RBC (Red Blood Cells): Is this where the oxidative assault begins? [Hint: yes!]
Iron Toxicity Post #65: There is NO such thing as ‘Iron Metabolism’. There is ONLY Copper<>Iron Metabolism
This iron post has nine articles that examine iron metabolism and homeostasis. But nowhere do they highlight that there is no such thing as ‘Iron Metabolism’. There is only Copper<>Iron Metabolism, and Iron is the dummy!
Dr. Ben Edwards | You’re the Cure | November 13, 2017
Dr. Ben Edwards | You’re the Cure | November 13, 2017
Lillian McDermott Radio Show | The Importance of Magnesium, Copper & Iron 101 | November 11, 2017
Lillian McDermott Radio Show | The Importance of Magnesium, Copper & Iron 101 | November 11, 2017