Iron Toxicity Post #38: Why Vitamin D and iron is not a good idea!
(Formerly #38)
This will serve as post #38 on Iron Toxicity and post #5 on Hormone-D.
In honor of everyone’s Independence Day, this simple post will set the record straight on why retinol (animal-based vitamin A) is so important. It is intended to address the two known forms of anemia plaguing this planet:
- Low storage D
- Low iron anemia
Both are cases of misinformation and are examples of how it is programmed, that are easily dispelled in the research literature if you were so inclined to find.
As Mark Twain once said:
“Whenever you find yourself on the side of the majority, it’s time to pause & reflect…”
Reflect we will, so let’s get started. Please note that many people today are urged to take vitamin D by their healthcare practitioner.
The intake levels of vitamin D supplements are staggering: 5,000 IUs/day, 10,000 IUs/day, and 100,000 IUs/day etc. The course record is a client in Buenes Aires whose doctor had him taking 250,000 IUs several times a week! I believe that is outrageous insanity!
You will come to see how outrageous it is when you understand Mother Nature always provides that vitamin D with 10x more retinol which cod liver oil has the same unique and precise composition. Cod liver oil is a rich source of the vital amine we call retinol. However, what’s most intriguing is the dark side to this ubiquitous vitamin D is it sensitizes the body to hydrogen peroxide (H2O2):
Weitsman, G.E., et.al. (2005). “Vitamin D sensitizes breast cancer cells to the action of H2O2: mitochondria as a convergence point in the death pathway.”
That is not a good thing, especially since excess unbound iron loves to interact with H2O2 and create the hydroxyl radical (OH*) through Fenton chemistry in the mitochondria. For those not sure what OH* radicals are, they are the most destructive chemical in the human body. In my humble opinion, they are the source agent for all the methylenetrahydrofolate reductase (MTHFR) madness that hijacks our metabolism and psyche.
The most notable symptom of ageing in our society today is the accelerated graying and the loss of hair on people, worldwide. You have to wonder if there is possibly a connection to H2O2?
After 7 years of meticulous research that article on “Reversing the Gray Away Naturally” is among the most important and revealing about what is really going on inside our toxic bodies. What is important to address is how it relates to oxidative process. While it is popular to think that the thyroid is the cause of the hair color changes or hair loss, I am totally not buying it and you should not either.
We need to look further than the toxic supplement of hormone D we may be taking in our regimen. One of our members, Kevin Kirkpatrick recently shared with us is his review of Chris Masterjohn, PhD’s work on retinol vs. vitamin D:
“Tufts University confirms that vitamin A protects against vitamin D toxicity by curbing excess production of vitamin K-dependent proteins.”
“…even modest amounts of vitamin D, whether provided by UV-light or in the diet, decrease liver stores of vitamin A; when the doses of D are larger, they decrease plasma levels of A as well. This suggests that vitamin D increases the need for and turnover of vitamin A.”
In other words, hormone D lowers retinol in the liver and the blood. Hormone D increases the production and/or prevalence of H2O2.
What’s equally as important is to understand that retinol (and the animal-based retinoids) has the ability to stop the H2O2 that ages us.
Mukherjee, S. et al. (2006). “Retinoids in the treatment of skin aging: an overview of clinical efficacy and safety.”
Retinol is amazing stuff and I wondered if it might somehow be affecting our iron status? Check our Chapter 5 (pg. 150-162) of this stunning book:
Olson, J.A., Ross, A.C., (1996). “Vitamin A Deficiency.”
The opening paragraph said:
“Anemia has long been recognized as a potential consequence of vitamin A deficiency.”
One of the known causes of iron anemia is lack of vitamin A, this means that those who are taking supplemental vitamin D are perpetuating their anemia status and not because of lack of iron!
Again, I would reconsider whether to take supplemental vitamin D and act on Mark Twain’s wisdom instead: “Step back and reflect” on where you are and what you’re doing to challenge the societal trend of what is good for you.
We’re all about gaining health independence here at Magnesium Advocacy Group (MAG) and look forward to seeing our numbers continue to grow as more folks wake up to the toxic solutions being promoted by conventional practitioners all over this globe!
A votre sante!
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