MAG-pie Alert!… #10 TOXICITY OF IRON: please ask your doctor, and yourself, WHY they are using Ferritin — that expresses NORMAL in Iron Overload conditions — a storage protein to assess metabolic "Iron status?

MAG-pie Alert!… #10 TOXICITY OF IRON: please ask your doctor, and yourself, WHY they are using Ferritin — that expresses NORMAL in Iron Overload conditions — a storage protein to assess metabolic "Iron status?

MAG-pie Alert!… #10 TOXICITY OF IRON
Please read the LAST sentence of this Abstract SLOOOOOOWLY:

Then, please ask your doctor, and yourself, WHY they are using Ferritin — that expresses NORMAL in Iron Overload conditions — a storage protein to assess metabolic “Iron status?”iron_owerload_2
This study, that is now considered “Ancient history,” should send a *chill* down the spines of those who take the time to read it, and esp. those who have been advised that they are “anemic” based on a low Ferritin test… In my humble opinion, I’d seek another opinion or another practitioner…
As I’ve noted repeatedly in the last two months, if you want to assess your TRUE metabolic Iron status, please get this blood test:
(Know that I compiled this test on Request A Test for members of MAG and derive NO $$$ from its purchase…)
Once again, we have been “Misled, & Misfed!”
A votre sante!
Iron Toxicity Post #20: Iron dysregulation and magnesium deficiency are at the heart of most, if not all, chronic conditions.

Iron Toxicity Post #20: Iron dysregulation and magnesium deficiency are at the heart of most, if not all, chronic conditions.

(Formerly #23)

I would like to present a more succinct logic for how iron dysregulation and magnesium deficiency are at the heart of most, if not all, of our chronic conditions.

Here is my premise in a nutshell:

Increased dietary and supplemental iron Increase magnesium deficiency → Increased oxidative stress! → Increase protein oxidation → Increase protein carbonyls → Increased chronic disease (that are often labeled as Neurodegenerative Disease, Heart Disease, Liver Disease, Kidney Disease, Cancer, etc.)

WARNING: For those looking for fast and easy in this post will not appease.  However, what this series of summary comments and citations does do is explain why I am fundamentally crazy over magnesium and ceruloplasmin.

  • Increased dietary and supplemental iron;
    okay this is not academic but it’s a compelling piece on how all this iron insanity started and has been building for 70+ years: 

“Iron, food enrichment and the theory of everything.”

If you want a more academic piece, the University of Chicago should suffice:

Bishai, D. (2002). “The History of Food Fortification in the United States: Its Relevance for Current Fortification Efforts in Developing Countries.”

  • Increased iron leads to magnesium deficiency:
    Kimura.M., Yokoi, K. (1996). “Iron accumulation in tissues of magnesium-deficient rats with dietary iron overload.
    (Please read the last sentence of this abstract slowly.)
  • Increased oxidative stress and protein oxidation from all that iron. This is the recognized “go to” citation for those topics:
    Halliwell, B., Gutteridge, J.M.C. (1984). “Oxygen toxicity, oxygen radicals, transition metals and disease.”
    (I’m reading their book on these metabolic processes from 1994, and it’s a genuine toe-curler.) 
  • Increased protein carbonylation from all that iron:
    Cornejo, P., et al. (2005). “Chronic iron overload enhances inducible nitric oxide synthase expression in rat liver.” here’s where it gets really interesting.
  • Magnesium deficiency increases protein carbonyls:
    Trust me, that is not what we are seeking in our bodies, our tissues, and our cells. Here is the relevant abstract:
    Stafford, R.E., et al. (1993). “protein oxidation in magnesium deficiency rat brains and kidneys.”

Here the link to get the full article: Please say a prayer of thanks for W. B. Weglicki, MD and his research team at GWU Medical Center:

  • And here’s the other side to this destructive oxidative process; Ceruloplasmin (Cp) inhibits protein carbonyl formation:
    Krsek-Staples, J.A., et al. (1993). “Ceruloplasmin inhibits carbonyl formation in endogenous cell proteins.” (Cp) is the most misunderstood protein in the human body. It is often referred to as a taxi for copper. However, in fact, it’s more like a tank that has 8 copper atoms running it.  It doesn’t take military experience to know that there is a major difference between those two modes of transportation.

    One last thought:

  • Know that ceruloplasmin (Cp) is subject to “oxidation” (aka aging), and that this is not a good thing for our overall health and well-being. But in this compelling study, they make it very clear that Cp oxidation is the cause of all neurodegenerative conditions.  But it is hardly limited to dysfunctions and disorders of just the brain as the aging of Cp inhibits it’s elegant ferroxidase activity as well in fact promotes cellular iron retention:
    Olivieri, S., et al. (2011). “Ceruloplasmin Oxidation, a Feature of Parkinson’s Disease CSF, Inhibits Ferroxidase Activity and Promotes Cellular Iron Retention.”


So please know that these iron-induced processes are not just restricted to rats and other lab critters. In my humble opinion this iron dysregulation condition is a pandemic on this globe and knows no geographic boundaries.

Hopefully, this post can serve as a “go to” piece for those who are seeking to better understand and to better explain what all these iron switchbacks and inter-iron-dynamics are all about.  Yes, iron metabolism is supremely confusing, but know that there is a powerful body of extensive research to support and expound upon each of the citations referenced above. All of the gifted iron researchers know how essential bioavailable copper is to all facets of iron metabolism.

So what’s this got to do with MAG (Magnesium Advocacy Group on FB)?

MAG [now RCP] is all about restoring metabolic balance in our cells, our tissues and our bodies. That healing process necessitates lowering the iron burden, enhancing the liver/brain’s natural production of the copper powerhouse, ceruloplasmin (Cp), and restoring mineral and magnesium balance to prevent oxidative stress from happening in the first place.

Clearly, there are numerous processes involved, but that’s the core focus of our strategy. I would venture to say that we are unique in our focus here at MAG [now RCP] and are very proud of our collective track record for identifying and addressing the underlying nutrient deficiencies and overloads that have historically and continue to keep us off-balance.

A votre sante!


For Facebook discussion:

Iron Toxicity Post #19: Start connecting the dots on how magnesium deficiency is tweaked by iron

Iron Toxicity Post #19: Start connecting the dots on how magnesium deficiency is tweaked by iron

(Formerly #22)

This is a classic Infographic from Ancient Minerals website.

Please review and savor the life-affirming, & health-enhancing qualities of our sponsor, magnesium!

The only change I’d make is to point out the fact that 3,751 proteins (enzymes) must have Magnesium to work properly*. The infamous “300 enzymes” was a SWAG provided by a physiology professor at Harvard Medical School in the 1950’s.

“Damiano Piovesan, et al. (2012). The human “magnesome”: detecting magnesium binding sites on human proteins.’

What I will also invite folks to do is start to connect the dots that the pre-existing condition to magnesium deficiency is having on excess, unbound iron overwhelming our tissues, all over our body.

Now that’s some iron enlightenment that we can get healthy from by realizing that iron overload especially in our tissues is the origin of magnesium deficiency. 

A votre sante!


For Facebook discussion:

Iron Toxicity Post #18: Most on this planet are dealing with ‘Subclinical Iron Overload’

Iron Toxicity Post #18: Most on this planet are dealing with ‘Subclinical Iron Overload’

(Formerly #21)

It is my belief that most on this page and on this planet, are dealing with “Subclinical Iron Overload”.

I base that assertion on symptomology and my penchant for holding mirrors up to conventional thinking. Both Babe Ruth and Ted Williams would admire my batting average. 

Please take a moment to read this abstract and the conclusion. Yes, I’m asking for 5 whole minutes of your day:

Gao, X, et al. (2009). “Mitochondrial DNA Damage in Iron Overload”

Please read the conclusion slowly. If you know anyone struggling with heart disease and/or neurodegenerative conditions (AD, PD, ALS, MS, etc.) please be sure they see this.


Now you know exactly how excess, unbound iron kills our mitochondria.

A votre sante!


For Facebook discussion:

Iron Toxicity Post #17: Could ‘Folate deficiency’ be an EPI-genetic deficiency of bioavailable copper?

Iron Toxicity Post #17: Could ‘Folate deficiency’ be an EPI-genetic deficiency of bioavailable copper?

(Formerly #20)

This is a real brain twister.

Kouamou, E, et al. (2013). “[An uncommon etiology of anemia: copper deficiency]”

Maybe, just maybe, could all this foments about folate deficiency be an epigenetic deficiency of bioavailable copper that is affecting the metabolic function in our iron-stressed cells?

It does conjure up a very different perspective of Mother Nature vs. methylenetetrahydrofolate reductase (MTHFR).

Please note, B-Vitamins are all biogenic amines and they all do not work until they are ‘kissed’ by ceruloplasmin (Cp).

A votre sante!


For Facebook Discussion: