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Is Magnesium Deficiency a GERD and Acid Reflux issue?
Rhonda asked me this question on the Magnesium Advocacy Facebook Group: Is mag deficiency a GERD and acid reflux issue? I'm assuming it is, but would love to hear thoughts. Thanks! Here was my response: First of all, it's not an "acid" reflux issue -- it's an alkaline...

A Magnesium Primer – Part 4
MORE MAGNESIUM DRAINS YOU NEED TO KNOW ABOUT! Last time, I shared with you how stress, fluoride and pharmaceutical drugs can rob you of the Magnesium your body needs to stay healthy. Here are some additional Magnesium Robbers that you need to know about and protect...

A Magnesium Primer – Part 3
MAGNESIUM DRAINS... In Parts 1 and 2 of my Magnesium Primer, you learned why Magnesium is one of the most vitally important nutrients for your health (#1 in my opinion), and also why it is very unlikely that you can obtain all of the Magnesium your body needs simply...

A Magnesium Primer – Part 2
EATING HEALTHY IS IMPORTANT, BUT NOT ENOUGH! Last time ( I introduced you to Magnesium, which I consider to be the most important nutrient for health, and one that is being completely ignored by mainstream...

A Magnesium Primer – Part 1
"Living without adequate levels of Magnesium is like trying to operate a machine with the power off." ~ Christiane Northrup, MD "Without enough Magnesium, cells simply don’t work." ~ Lawrence M. Resnick, MD (Former Prof. of Medicine at Weill Cornell Medical School)...

2013: The Year Of Magnesium
Or, "THE MAGNESIUM ANSWER TO OUR NATION’S HEALTH CRISIS" Let’s face it. America’s health crisis is only getting worse.As a nation, we are sick and getting sicker, and it’s becoming increasingly obvious that our institutions that we rely upon to meet our health care...

My "AHA!" Moment About Magnesium, by Larry Trivieri Jr.
The following is a guest post from Larry Trivieri Jr., a leading lay expert and author in the field of self-care healing methods and holistic, integrative medicine. Full bio at the end of this article. -Morley I’ve been writing about health for more than...
Misled & Misfed: How Magnesium Deficiency is the Stealth Bomber in Chronic Disease
“Of all the 18 Essential Minerals, by far the most important is Magnesium. It is like the Teacher of the Classroom. When one or the other pupil is missing, no problem. When the Teacher is missing, the disorder is perfect!” - Fr. Bene-Josep Schorr, SJ, Professor of...
Let's Get Sick! – In 10 Easy Steps
“Without enough Magnesium, cells simply don’t work” — Lawrence M. Resnick, MD (Former Prof. of Medicine at Weill Cornell Medical School) I’ve gone round and round preaching the benefits of Magnesium. Anyone who’s been around me these last 36 months, can attest to...
How To Restore Magnesium In 3 Steps
Everyone asks me, “How do I increase my magnesium intake? What’s the best form of magnesium to use?” Here’s Morley Robbin’s (aka. “Magnesium Man”) answer.
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