Iron Toxicity Post #25: Iron movement, not iron storage!
Iron movement not iron storage as iron is supposed to RE-cycle. Find out why ferritin only is not the marker for anemia and the connection to ceruloplasmin.
Iron Toxicity Post #24: Diabetes is NOT a medical disease!
Diabetes is not a medical disease; it is just copper and iron dysregulation.
MAG-pie Alert!… #16 TOXICITY OF IRON: o There is NO such thing as "medical disease" o There is ONLY "metabolic dysfunction" CAUSED by "mineral dysregulation"
MAG-pie Alert!... #16 TOXICITY OF IRON o There is NO such thing as "medical disease" o There is ONLY "metabolic dysfunction" CAUSED by "mineral dysregulation" o This is TIGGERED by our "moronic diet" of Iron-enriched & Iron-altering foods (HFCS & GMO) that are...
Iron Toxicity Post #23: Iron shavings in processed food!
Iron shavings in processed food, a YouTube depiction.
Iron Toxicity Post #22: There is a difference between ‘Iron Deficiency and ‘Iron Dysregulation’!
Iron metabolism is ruled and regulated by copper status, not iron status and certainly not ferritin status.
Iron Toxicity Post #21: We are ‘Dead Flies Walking’
Aconitase is a critical piece of the metabolic puzzle a key iron-sulfur cluster protein that must have bioavailable copper to work properly.
MAG-pie Alert!… #10 TOXICITY OF IRON: please ask your doctor, and yourself, WHY they are using Ferritin — that expresses NORMAL in Iron Overload conditions — a storage protein to assess metabolic "Iron status?
MAG-pie Alert!... #10 TOXICITY OF IRON Please read the LAST sentence of this Abstract SLOOOOOOWLY: Then, please ask your doctor, and yourself, WHY they are using Ferritin -- that expresses NORMAL in Iron Overload conditions --...
Iron Toxicity Post #20: Iron dysregulation and magnesium deficiency are at the heart of most, if not all, chronic conditions.
Iron dysregulation and magnesium deficiency are at the heart of most, if not all, chronic conditions.
Iron Toxicity Post #19: Start connecting the dots on how magnesium deficiency is tweaked by iron
A classic infographic from ancient minerals website about magnesium.
Iron Toxicity Post #18: Most on this planet are dealing with ‘Subclinical Iron Overload’
Heart disease and neurodegenerative conditions and how unbound iron kills our mitochondria.
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