Health Cast Now | Magnesium Deficiency and Chronic Health Challenges | June 19, 2017
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Iron Toxicity Post #60: ‘Am I really anemic?’ or said another way: ‘Not known because not looked for’
“Am I really anemic” Playbook; or said another way: “Not known because not looked for” – Questions you can ask your physician.
Iron Toxicity Post #36: You are not anemic!
You are not anemic! Instead raise your ceruloplasmin because it guarantees iron circulation throughout your body.
Iron Toxicity Post #30: How blood pressure gets tweaked
Learn about how the body pH affects magnesium and calcium, its role in intracellular and extracellular matrix, also its impact on blood pressure and insulin.
Iron Toxicity Post #24: Diabetes is NOT a medical disease!
Diabetes is not a medical disease; it is just copper and iron dysregulation.
Iron Toxicity Post #19: Start connecting the dots on how magnesium deficiency is tweaked by iron
A classic infographic from ancient minerals website about magnesium.
Iron Toxicity Post #13: STOP using iron-enriched, iron supplements and ignoring your ceruloplasmin status!
Magnesium and copper are essential for activating alkaline phosphatase and lysyl oxidase in the bone.
Iron Toxicity Post #11: If the Sun is the ‘center’ of our Universe, I’m coming to regard Ceruloplasmin as the ‘Sun’ of our universe of metabolic activity.
Iron is the ‘stressor’ that is causing excess loss of magnesium. It is the causative agent to create oxygen stress, and nitrogen stress that is at the heart of neutering ceruloplasmin. Ceruloplasmin is the very protein/enzyme that is essential to properly manage this toxic metal and Morley talks about the studies on the structure and function of ceruloplasmin and the relationship with iron.
Iron Toxicity Post #8: Why Morley has ‘lost it’ and is obsessing over iron and the proper management of iron.
“When iron accumulates, chelatable iron replaces magnesium at the corresponding metal-binding site, promoting selective damage to these proteins.”
How 3,571 proteins require magnesium to work and how iron impacts on this during our lifetime.
Iron Toxicity Post #1: Menstruation does not automatically mean Iron Deficiency Anemia!
Morley discusses Kate Clancy’s blog/article on the myth that “women who have menstruation will develop iron deficient anemia”.