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The Copper Conundrum…

The Copper Conundrum…

Ah, yes... Copper is indeed a "conundrum..." co·nun·drum kəˈnəndrəm/ noun noun: conundrum; plural noun: conundrums a confusing and difficult problem or question. "one of the most difficult conundrums for the experts" It seems like we can't live with Copper, and...

Let's Tip Our Hat to Maggie, NOT Monopoly…

Let's Tip Our Hat to Maggie, NOT Monopoly…

Dear MAG-pies... As we close in on having 16,000 members in our midst, I thought that I'd share some intriguing quotations, some tried & true, but also some new... "Let food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food" "Ας το φάρμακο είναι τα τρόφιμα και τα τρόφιμα...

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