Hypoferremia occurs in any inflamed state and it is code for low bioavailable copper not lack of iron.

Hypoferremia occurs in any inflamed state and it is code for low bioavailable copper not lack of iron.
How does iron get out of enterocytes? What causes buildup of iron in the tissues all over the body?
Vitamin A (retinol) and iron metabolism and dispelling the myth surround vitamin A being toxic.
Why I detest hormone-D supplementation.
This iron toxicity post is about the dangers of ferritin only diagnosis of iron deficiency or anemia.
There is no “Anemia” on Planet Earth, but there is a pandemic of anemia! adiponectin deficiency, a key and little discussed hormone whose dysfunctions are the gateway to insulin resistance, atherosclerosis, diabetes, hypertension, dyslipidemia, fatty acid dysregulation, PCOS, weight gain/obesity, increased inflammation, as well as increased oxidative stress.
This post is about the ironic truth of osteoporosis and its origin.
Retinol-A is an absolute requirement for building blood and especially hemoglobin. This post is challenging the mind-numbing and wrong myth-conception that iron is the ‘answer’ to iron that is showing low and dysfunctional.
It really the iron, especially in gluten!
There is 5 times more iron in breast cancer cells than normal cells. The research on the connection between iron-induced metabolic chaos and cancer is growing daily.