Iron Toxicity Post Index
Index of ALL Iron Toxicity Posts as a single list (inc direct links)

Iron Toxicity Post #81: If you’re 6-9 months Pregnant, YOU ARE NOT “Anemic!!!!”
As an opening volley, much of what you know or think you know about pregnancy is, at best, incomplete.

Iron Toxicity Post #80: Cholesterol is an Anti-Oxidant? HUH?
How cholesterol and low fat diet affects copper metabolism and its association with neurodegeneration, cardiovascular disease and cancer.

Iron Toxicity Post #79: Is Stored Iron Safe?!?
Is stored iron safe? An article that explains how stored iron is not what it seems.

Iron Toxicity Post #78: ALS is caused by the over-expression of SOD (because Copper is MIA and Iron is STUCK)
A letter to your practitioner to what the RCP is about.

Iron Toxicity Post #77: Iron Metabolism is REGULATED via intake – NOT excretion!
Based on commentary on McCance and Widdowson‘s probable recommendation of iron fortification in 1941

Iron Toxicity Post #76: ‘Hypoferremia’ (Low Serum Iron) occurs in ANY Inflammatory state
Hypoferremia occurs in any inflamed state and it is code for low bioavailable copper not lack of iron.

Iron Toxicity Post #75: PROOF that Copper Deficiency is the CAUSE of so-called ‘anemia’
How does iron get out of enterocytes? What causes buildup of iron in the tissues all over the body?

Iron Toxicity Post #74: Will the REAL Vitamin-A step forward
Vitamin A (retinol) and iron metabolism and dispelling the myth surround vitamin A being toxic.

Iron Toxicity Post #73: Why I detest hormone-D supplementation.
Why I detest hormone-D supplementation.
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